Woke up at 8:30 and went climbing at 10. It was a nice workout but I'm so tired now.
That was my sixth day in a row. Hopefully when I recover from the rest tomorrow, I'll be good enough to finish my projects. I worked mainly on technique this week so that I will be able to do hard problems when I recover. Went home to eat lunch. And then off to Boba once again. Avatar next at 3:15 but changed it to 4:00...I wish I saved $11.50 and watched UP again instead. Quick review: Visually stunning and aesthetically appealing. A visual masterpiece with an ok soundtrack and acting. Totally overused plot and many cliche moments in the film. Predictable and boring. Way too long a lot of the film could have been made shorter or just taken out completely. In the beginning I was waiting for the good part of the movie. Once I guess I got to the "good part" I was waiting for the movie to end. Lots of allusions to our culture. But ultimately disappointing. Final Score: 2.5/5 Mediocre. All the shiny stuff isn't good enough to salvage this failure. It seems public encourages the movie directors and producers to produce more master fails because they seem to bring in the most money these days. Transformers 2, Twilight, New Moon, Avatar, etc... What has happened to the film industry and the public in general?
Mmmm well I don't know what else to say. I'm hungry...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Today was really tiring. Climbing for four hours. Lunch. Then Princess and the Frog! Haha we finally saw it after two weeks. It was ok I guess. Some inappropriate material. Allusions to prostitution and satanism. Should be at least PG. Shasta ruined the ending for me haha. _____ is going to ____ and become a _____ and join _________. Well at least we got matinee tickets. Basketball tournament after. Lol Michelle. We won but the refs made some bad calls here and there. I'm so dead tired right now. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten yet but whatever. Threshold tomorrow at 10! See you guys there!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
We'll Be A Dream
Do you remember the nights
We'd stay up just laughing
Smiling for hours
At anything
Remember the nights
We drove around crazy in love
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Do you remember the nights
We made our way dreaming
Hoping of being
Someone big
We were so young then
We were too crazy
In love
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Found the lyrics for it. I love that song so much. I love We the Kings. Probably the only other band besides Blink 182, where I liked pretty much every single song they have put out.
Today was pretty good I guess. Threshold in the morning with Greg, Omar, and Michelle. Let's go Team Greg & Jon. Just did some of the easy routes. Too tired and lazy to try something new. But I almost got this other V2. Souplantantion and then Boba for like the 5809273104983270th time this month/break. Then off to drill for a really frustrating practice. Well at least we sort of have faces now. Mmmm youuu...well at least you sort of explained yourself. Sort of. School then dinner. Home now and have nothing to do.
Didn't watch Avatar. But that is karma for you. Serious karma. Pretty funny but yeah. Karma pwned you. Bouldering tomorrow at 10, then Princes and the Frog! Sorry Shasta but we can finally watch it now haha. Looking forward to the weekend but sort of not. Snowboarding + Avatar but then only a couple days left in break. This went way too fast.
We'd stay up just laughing
Smiling for hours
At anything
Remember the nights
We drove around crazy in love
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Do you remember the nights
We made our way dreaming
Hoping of being
Someone big
We were so young then
We were too crazy
In love
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be
When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream
Found the lyrics for it. I love that song so much. I love We the Kings. Probably the only other band besides Blink 182, where I liked pretty much every single song they have put out.
Today was pretty good I guess. Threshold in the morning with Greg, Omar, and Michelle. Let's go Team Greg & Jon. Just did some of the easy routes. Too tired and lazy to try something new. But I almost got this other V2. Souplantantion and then Boba for like the 5809273104983270th time this month/break. Then off to drill for a really frustrating practice. Well at least we sort of have faces now. Mmmm youuu...well at least you sort of explained yourself. Sort of. School then dinner. Home now and have nothing to do.
Didn't watch Avatar. But that is karma for you. Serious karma. Pretty funny but yeah. Karma pwned you. Bouldering tomorrow at 10, then Princes and the Frog! Sorry Shasta but we can finally watch it now haha. Looking forward to the weekend but sort of not. Snowboarding + Avatar but then only a couple days left in break. This went way too fast.
Monday, December 28, 2009
My hands are covered in blisters. And they hurt pretty bad. Washig my hands or showering is excruciating. But I'm prepared to go again tomorrow because for the last two days that I have gone I haven't accomplished much. Tomorrow for sure. So I'm goingto sleep early tonight.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Once again GAY
Today started with quite a frustration
it was like talking to a wall
Monologging with no response nor call
it was in fact a clear equivocation
you might shout "what a paradox!"
but what I tell you is verity
it was clear to me she was not interested in
what I had unfolded nor the subject
I would have prefered that she kindly inject
a word of defiance or cause up a din
Then to receive a portion of silence
oh what a death, to think that one matters not
so in closing I must say to you poor souls
that life is a gamble and unfair
there is not much you can do to escape the glare
or circumvent the path into the deep dark holes
of transgression and atrocity
but there is always a faith and a hope in He who sits high.
I suddenly had an urge to write a poem. Maybe I'll become famous one day. Like the fireside poets! I even included a moral nugget in this poem. Can you find the turnng point? And the theme of the poem? Theme does not equal plot or story. Man I love literature class. Find the gothic elements Chandler hahahaha :)
Woman you need to learn to use your telephono.
Don't think like that, she's not like that. Your just over thinking it. I <3 you
Dude I have no idea what your talking about lol...I'm telling you. I'm pretty sure. I think this is the second time you've asked me that question this year..I remember someone asking me that earlier this year and I think it was you.
Grow up. And get some common sense. Maybe Santa will bring some next year for you.
You're gay and really gay. I love those stupid pics of you that wherein sent me. Omg too funny.
it was like talking to a wall
Monologging with no response nor call
it was in fact a clear equivocation
you might shout "what a paradox!"
but what I tell you is verity
it was clear to me she was not interested in
what I had unfolded nor the subject
I would have prefered that she kindly inject
a word of defiance or cause up a din
Then to receive a portion of silence
oh what a death, to think that one matters not
so in closing I must say to you poor souls
that life is a gamble and unfair
there is not much you can do to escape the glare
or circumvent the path into the deep dark holes
of transgression and atrocity
but there is always a faith and a hope in He who sits high.
I suddenly had an urge to write a poem. Maybe I'll become famous one day. Like the fireside poets! I even included a moral nugget in this poem. Can you find the turnng point? And the theme of the poem? Theme does not equal plot or story. Man I love literature class. Find the gothic elements Chandler hahahaha :)
Woman you need to learn to use your telephono.
Don't think like that, she's not like that. Your just over thinking it. I <3 you
Dude I have no idea what your talking about lol...I'm telling you. I'm pretty sure. I think this is the second time you've asked me that question this year..I remember someone asking me that earlier this year and I think it was you.
Grow up. And get some common sense. Maybe Santa will bring some next year for you.
You're gay and really gay. I love those stupid pics of you that wherein sent me. Omg too funny.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Disclaimer: The following poem/rap/song is not directed towards anyone nor am I implying that I am gay or expressing any personal views that I hold. If you feel offended in any way please inform me and I will do my best to change the lyrics to make it less offensive.
One word GAY.
Today was gay.
Everything is gay.
Everyone is gay.
We all love unicorns and rainbows and flowers
All the guys enjoy standing in the showers
Naked with each other laughing like little girls
Because we're all gay, and we like to unfurl
Our Souls and say what what in the butt
cuz we're all gay now what
do we do? there's nothing left for me to say
Cuz in the end, we're all gay
You're very gay. Go fuck a duck and suck a donkey nut.
I have no idea why I wrote that. I'm tired. My brain is spinning. My unicorn and rainbow fleece in my chalk bag must be getting to me. And that cheer leading statue in Greg's car. Well. I need to sleep now. Night.
One word GAY.
Today was gay.
Everything is gay.
Everyone is gay.
We all love unicorns and rainbows and flowers
All the guys enjoy standing in the showers
Naked with each other laughing like little girls
Because we're all gay, and we like to unfurl
Our Souls and say what what in the butt
cuz we're all gay now what
do we do? there's nothing left for me to say
Cuz in the end, we're all gay
You're very gay. Go fuck a duck and suck a donkey nut.
I have no idea why I wrote that. I'm tired. My brain is spinning. My unicorn and rainbow fleece in my chalk bag must be getting to me. And that cheer leading statue in Greg's car. Well. I need to sleep now. Night.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It seems the only people doing this is just me and Chandler. I remember when a lot of people used to do this. Well it's Christmas Eve. I don't really have anything planned for Christmas...I don't really want that many things. Well a full tank of gas and an oil change on my car would be nice though. Tomorrow's gonna be hella boring. I hate eating with my family. They're so boring. Except for Edward's family. Like my dad's side of the family seems to have inherited a gene for being extremely quiet, shy, awkward, and not wanting to talk very much. Which is like everyone except for me. I don't feel like I belong in this family. I want to go back to Korea with my REAL family. I miss them. When I'm there I actually feel loved and I feel like I want to do something for my family. But here it's just bleh. And they can't cook either... I really want to go snowboarding! Well Saturday right? UP, cue, snowboarding, and something else and raid Nicole's house and take nick, and nic and whoever else? or something like that. haha idk if it'll happen but I hope the snowboarding part does at least.
Well one more week of break left. I really really really want April to come. Because then school and the days just fly by. I have tour, spring break, campout, maybe mission trip, not too many tests. It'll be chill. mmmm ok.
Well one more week of break left. I really really really want April to come. Because then school and the days just fly by. I have tour, spring break, campout, maybe mission trip, not too many tests. It'll be chill. mmmm ok.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
La vacacion de navidad
So far it has consisted of climbing, running, and sewing. It's pretty fun though. I felt really accomplished today. Um just downloaded a whole bunch of songs. Well songs I already had but got deleted...mmmm I guess that's it. Text me. Well I can't hang out tomorrow or Thursday. I need to take care of my bro at home. But this weekend fo sho. My homemade chalk bag is totally baller. Disappointed in my SAT score. I thought I scored a lot higher. Actually 150 points higher. Well second time's the charm? idk I'll have to consider a retake. well no 370z coupe for now...
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Oh really?
Hm totally unexpected. I thought it was something else. Time passes and People change. But good to know that you haven't. Good seeing you today! And AJ my hero. Today was pretty bomb. Really random but it was fun. Chinese church was awesome. Even though we didn't sound too good it was funn. Then going to the park in Redlands. It was fun. Sorta. Fun in a hmmm some peace and quiet sort of way. I need some of that. Umm nicks house after. Then uni. Then nicoles house with Hannah and vivien :) then ate some sushi and had some interesting convo with the chef. What's super dry? Not raw. Lolz. Mmm then went home and played cod with my bro...wish I went bowling to see grant but whatever...haircut tomorrow and threshold at four. I really need a haircut. I hate my hair. Well I'm really tired. Good night.
Friday, December 18, 2009
That place is bomb. I'm addicted to climbing. It's just a challenge and I love it. I really want to get good at this sport. Can't wait for Sunday.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Yesterday was an adventure. I need more spontaneity in my life. So random. roflcopterlamfaolollulzgtgttyllolluzluzlulazomg. shoot. pwned at rock paper scissors. Got destroyed by a red target thingie. There's a video of it if you are interested. Imaginary volleyball. Togo's sandwich was great. Redlands Mall concert was pretty good despite the fact that we only had like parents and Mysa and Bert as audiences. It was good seeing coach Perez again. I miss him. Went to Hannah's house and stayed til like nine. I got curry :) and saw Candice and Damien. Man good times. It's like we're family. mmm...bouldering on Friday. Can't wait. Almost had to push my car to the gas station. I was running on E from the park, to the school, to nick's house, to the mall, back to the school, then to nick's house, then to my house, then to the gas station. Thank God for keeping my car running.
Today was ok I guess. Mr. Stone was really nice to me. And so was Benson. I guess honesty does pay off. Maybe it's a message from God. Carl's Jr. never tasted so good. Rotory Club was a bunch of rich bastards. Well at least we sounded good. Mile high club. The most random, hilarious, nonsensical conversation of the month/year so far. hahha omg. I still don't know why they were talking about that and why I was the subject of their discussion.
Today was ok I guess. Mr. Stone was really nice to me. And so was Benson. I guess honesty does pay off. Maybe it's a message from God. Carl's Jr. never tasted so good. Rotory Club was a bunch of rich bastards. Well at least we sounded good. Mile high club. The most random, hilarious, nonsensical conversation of the month/year so far. hahha omg. I still don't know why they were talking about that and why I was the subject of their discussion.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tastes like paper
School tastes like paper and sweat. gross. lunch is so boring. no one to talk to. I did well on my political speech though. 32/30!! :) Pro-musica effects ftw. I guess that's it. Nothing much happened today. Didn't really talk to many people. Idk why but I feel like I'm distancing myself from people. But the truth is I'm getting kind of tired of people. Well more like the school environment. It makes everything seem so superficial and fake. Everything is just a facade. Well I'm content with myself for today. I need to start on chem hw...that class is a joke. It's too easy. I want to watch UP again. I almost cried in the first 10-15 minutes or so. It was a good movie.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Today was fun
Woke up to the most wack text message ever. It made me laugh so hard. Lawlz. Good way to start the day. Then I ate played cod watched my saints stay undefeated even though it was really close..good job falcons. Then drove halfway to threshold only to find out I'm supposed to be there an hour later. Drove home then drove out again. Climbing was fun :) it's addicting. And it's actually a challenge like running. Finally something I feel like trying hard at. In n out after with Chandler Greg michelle. Fun/messed up convo. God forgive my sins. Starbucks after. It was fun. School tomorrow..well at least I don't have first period. Things are looking up. It only makes me realize how much of my life SAT took up. Hopefully we go snowboarding next weekend plus bouldering. It's gonna be fun.
Mmm...i guess that's it for now..yeah? No? Whatever.. Pobre Hannah. It's ok well it was for the best. Just be happy and move on.
Life keeps moving whether you are ready or not. Don't fight the current just go with the flow. Take care of the little things then the big things will open up and fall into place. Don't dream of dreams, live your dream.
Kind of flustered right now. The real thing starts now. My real job starts now. Our real jobs start now. Everyhing else was in preparation for the next three months. Guys we can do this. Let's put our heads together and plan a banquet that we will be immortalized for. Let's plan a banquet that will redeem our class and show the rest that we are capable of the best. It's the beggining of the end.
A lot is on my mind right now I don't know where to start or how to put it to words. It's a big knot and I don't know how to untangle it. Well with time and perseverence I can do it. Peace.
Mmm...i guess that's it for now..yeah? No? Whatever.. Pobre Hannah. It's ok well it was for the best. Just be happy and move on.
Life keeps moving whether you are ready or not. Don't fight the current just go with the flow. Take care of the little things then the big things will open up and fall into place. Don't dream of dreams, live your dream.
Kind of flustered right now. The real thing starts now. My real job starts now. Our real jobs start now. Everyhing else was in preparation for the next three months. Guys we can do this. Let's put our heads together and plan a banquet that we will be immortalized for. Let's plan a banquet that will redeem our class and show the rest that we are capable of the best. It's the beggining of the end.
A lot is on my mind right now I don't know where to start or how to put it to words. It's a big knot and I don't know how to untangle it. Well with time and perseverence I can do it. Peace.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Oh God..
Please just leave me alone. You've had your chance just let me be. Let me just lve my life. I ask for so little yet you ask for so much. It doesn't balance out. You need to realize that I'm not you and that we are different. We have different opinions, perspectives, and goals. Please stop trying to use me. I'm not dumb contrary to what you may think.
I just want a break away from everything. Just me a house on an island far away from civilization. I'm getting tired of people, technology, a hypocritical church body. I just want some time for myself. I don't even know what I want in life. The only reason I'm trying so hard is because I feel obligated to my family to do so, not because I myself personally free from outside influence chose to do so. My dream: be happy, live in a modest home, help the underprivileged, have a good family. I just want a simple life..
I'm tired. I hate 1st period. Stop being so goddamn fake and hypocritical. It's annoying. Well good to have blogspot to vent to. I have a good feeling about this weekend though. And I can't waitfor grant to come visit! Holy crap it has been too long and I still owe him a titty twister. And Nicole is coming too! This break is gonna be fun. Let's go snowboarding please? Thanks.
I just want a break away from everything. Just me a house on an island far away from civilization. I'm getting tired of people, technology, a hypocritical church body. I just want some time for myself. I don't even know what I want in life. The only reason I'm trying so hard is because I feel obligated to my family to do so, not because I myself personally free from outside influence chose to do so. My dream: be happy, live in a modest home, help the underprivileged, have a good family. I just want a simple life..
I'm tired. I hate 1st period. Stop being so goddamn fake and hypocritical. It's annoying. Well good to have blogspot to vent to. I have a good feeling about this weekend though. And I can't waitfor grant to come visit! Holy crap it has been too long and I still owe him a titty twister. And Nicole is coming too! This break is gonna be fun. Let's go snowboarding please? Thanks.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It is very cold
Please take me by the hand
It's so cold out tonight
I'll put blankets on the bed
I won't turn out the light
Just don't forget to think about me
And I won't forget you
I'll write you once a week she said
Why does it feel the same
To fall in love or break it off
And if young love is just a game
Then I must have missed the kick off
Don't depend on me to ever follow through on anything
But I'd go through hell for you and
I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine,
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but your so beautiful to me
I <3 Blink 182
Hurry up and release your new stuff.
Well I think drill this year will be pretty good. We remind me of '09. And we also have a lot of potential. Come on guys let's work hard and win first place. It will be a huge morale boost for our class.
I need a hair cut. LA this Saturday if I have time after choir and before cosmic bowling. mmmm this week is going really really really slow. Speed up please? I wanna go up in the mountains and ride. I miss it so much. My board is just sitting in my room collecting dust.
Well don't catch a cold in this cold weather. Peace.
It's so cold out tonight
I'll put blankets on the bed
I won't turn out the light
Just don't forget to think about me
And I won't forget you
I'll write you once a week she said
Why does it feel the same
To fall in love or break it off
And if young love is just a game
Then I must have missed the kick off
Don't depend on me to ever follow through on anything
But I'd go through hell for you and
I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine,
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but your so beautiful to me
I <3 Blink 182
Hurry up and release your new stuff.
Well I think drill this year will be pretty good. We remind me of '09. And we also have a lot of potential. Come on guys let's work hard and win first place. It will be a huge morale boost for our class.
I need a hair cut. LA this Saturday if I have time after choir and before cosmic bowling. mmmm this week is going really really really slow. Speed up please? I wanna go up in the mountains and ride. I miss it so much. My board is just sitting in my room collecting dust.
Well don't catch a cold in this cold weather. Peace.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Man I'm kind of sad I missed banquet yesterday. All I heard today was dude banquet was pretty fun this year, or you should have come to banquet Jon! or dude everyone went cept for you! Yeah I regret it and I usually don't regret doing things because I don't really care but this time I feel like I made a pretty big mistake. hah should have listened to you guys, ahem. Well at least Michelle got to rub it in today. "You know it's gonna be like that one party where you can't go and everyone else is talking about how good it was the next day." Hahah karma. Karma Karma Karma you guys probably don't know what I'm talking about. Well I'm glad you guys all had a great time despite the food. I'll definitely go next year, and I'll try with the rest of the Junior class officers to plan a good Jr./Sr. Banquet in April.
Took the SAT yesterday. I think I did pretty good. I had a good feeling about it. It's really cold today! and rainy. The two things I hate most but somehow today I didn't mind the rain. I actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace from the crazy ups and downs in the temperature.
I have straight A-...it's pissing me off.
Well...yeah. Looking forward to the next two weeks! I have a feeling it's gonna be bomb. Peace.
Took the SAT yesterday. I think I did pretty good. I had a good feeling about it. It's really cold today! and rainy. The two things I hate most but somehow today I didn't mind the rain. I actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace from the crazy ups and downs in the temperature.
I have straight A-...it's pissing me off.
Well...yeah. Looking forward to the next two weeks! I have a feeling it's gonna be bomb. Peace.
Monday, November 30, 2009
It's almost time for me to take the SAT I Resoning Test. Man it's been a long time but I'm finally here. I know I'm gonna do pretty good. Gotta stay positive and confident. This will be my first and last time taking this test. I'm gonna prepare for it all week little by little. Been studying for so long. After I take this test I'll finally be free! Whoo! Can't wait for that moment of freedom. Please forgives if I seem a bit on edge this week. I have a lot of pressure. Aight peace.
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's finally here! Our short moment of respite in our busy lives, a time of rest in the middle of the unrelentng stresses of life: Thanksgiving break! We can finally have some time to ourselves to just think and reflect and enjoy what we have been blessed with together with family and friends. And just a couple weeks after this is Christmas break. I love this time of the year. I feel different. I normally wouldn't say things like this. I feel like two people right now. Have I finally gone crazy? Haha whatever. I actually hate Christmas. Well have a good break everyone and remember to thank God for everyhing he has blessed you in your lives.
Monday, November 16, 2009
El fin de semana
Friday: COD, vespers, sleep
Saturday: Choir concert, COD, eat, COD, sleep
Sunday: COD, caramel apples, hw, study, sleep.
Exciting no?
Everyone should buy a caramel apple tomorrow because they are really good and really big. It's a really good deal!
I'm sick.
SAT in a few weeks. Finally get that thing over with.
We need to get going on drill. Otherwise it's gonna be like last year again.
Saturday: Choir concert, COD, eat, COD, sleep
Sunday: COD, caramel apples, hw, study, sleep.
Exciting no?
Everyone should buy a caramel apple tomorrow because they are really good and really big. It's a really good deal!
I'm sick.
SAT in a few weeks. Finally get that thing over with.
We need to get going on drill. Otherwise it's gonna be like last year again.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thank you it's been another bloody Monday.
You're gay. Yes you. Don't deny it. The first step to overcoming homosexuality is admitting that one is homosexual. Do it.
Well we owned tonight. God please bless us with the talent we desperately need and desire to beat the seniors on Wednesday night. Jesus name I pray amen.
You're gay. Yes you. Don't deny it. The first step to overcoming homosexuality is admitting that one is homosexual. Do it.
Well we owned tonight. God please bless us with the talent we desperately need and desire to beat the seniors on Wednesday night. Jesus name I pray amen.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So it has started officially once again. And I'm actually feeling excited and I have a really good feeling about this year. Even though today wasn't that productive it was just our first session, I didn't expect to get much done anyways. I have tres detentions. It's really cold today. Someone save me. And now I might have to go to court...bleh what a drag. If my dad didn't lose the paper with my fine, I wouldn't have to go. Life is good. I don't know what I'm gonna do this weekend...I really want to watch paranormal activity. Anybody want to watch it with me?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm bored...
This weekend was so boring..all I did was go and get a haircut...I wish I went to the party last night...I don't get my dad at all. Stay home and study and I don't even study and he doesn't get mad. I don't see why I can't just go to a party once in a while...oh well once I'm done these damned SATs I'll be free at last! Choir practice was just awesome today haha I don't think I've woke up that early on a Sunday morning before..I guess it was good though. We need so much help. God help us. I've started playing this game recently.. It's really addictting. And a lot of fun..called pokemon. And another game called disgaea. Wish I had more time to play those games...well all the more incentive to study I guess. God bless.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Me's a thinking
How weird. I would never have expected it. I keep telling myself it's not possible and that it can'tbe true. Only time will tell.
I thought things were chill? What happened?
I appreciate your friendship thanks.
You're so cute.
Leave me alone.
Can't live with you two. You guys are too different from me and too similar to each other. I feel so excluded.
I wish I wasn't a seventh? wheel.
You guys, I'm really looking forward to this year. We can get first. We have so much potential.
Enjoy life for what it is. You only get one chance.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I just love Tuesdays. Officers meeting. Math optionals. Orchestra. I mean, my day can't get any better. But another reason I love Tuesdays is that after Tuesday, the week goes by just so much faster. Maybe it's because I don't have optionals but whatever it is, I like it. It's like a rollercoaster, just going up that hill and after Tuesday it's all downhill. I want this year to be over already! It finally feels like things are starting to pick up. This year started out way too slow.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Yesterday was really good. I was so surprised at how much money we made. According to Mr. Jarrard, it was somewhere around $1600. Thank you everyone who helped out with the booths, we couldn't have done it without you guys. I'm also really tired. Today was mildly interesting...quartets started..boo. After school was fun! With Shasta :) haha. mmm Lit test was ok. History test was just as easy as the first one. That class is so easy. Oh I also finally filled up my gas tank all the way. First time in almost three weeks. Feels so good.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So today was PSAT testing. It was pretty easy, I think I did better than last year. I could not stand my proctor. My feet hurt the whole time. And the walk from North Hall to the choir room never seemed longer. Oh before PSAT, right after first period, I watched one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Don't worry I didn't tell anyone haha. We'll keep it between ourselves. Unless of course you want me to retell the story which is totally fine with me. Now I know how you feel. Went to Andi's house today after school. I drove Heather and Matt there. And we met up with Greg. So it was Greg, Andi, Matt, Heather, and of course...me... biggest fifth wheel ever. Especially at Andi's house haha.. well the dogs were nice to me. But Hannah saved me :) haha yay. K See you guys tomorrow. Farewell.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Was pretty bomb...got third on Shuffle, Whellbarrow, Three-legged and second on tug-of-war, egg toss, and pyramid. Pretty good. The sophomores were really good. Gotta hand it to Pastor Jay hahah. Um came back to school. Chilled with Danielle for a bit. Went to work. Watched Jr. High lose to RAA. I can't remember the last time I saw a game that embarrassing and disappointing.
So confused right now. Seriously don't know what to do. My dreams are so weird. I wish I had never had this one particular dream that seems to be playing out my life right now. It's kind of scary how it seems to be falling exactly how the dream went. Maybe I have some kind of prophetic powers. hahha that would be coool. But anyways. I feel so lost right now. I don't know what I want to do with my life anymore. I thought I was so set and ready to work hard for my goal. But looking at this year so far, I've failed to do that. I keep telling myself tomorrow but that plan just isn't working out. I gotta man up.
I also need to drive more carefully. I realized yesterday how reckless my driving is and how many people's lives I put in danger. I need to go back to the way I drove before. I'm just too relaxed and chill. K. Bye guys.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Please don't do this. I care about you and please trust me on this. I trust you and believe in you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
I love that guy. He's an awesome speaker and very inspirational. He's led me back to Jesus. Thank you God for sending him in my life.
Monday, September 28, 2009
This school year is going by so slow. Last year's was just blazed by but this year is so sloww.. We're taking this way too slow. So take me away from here. Why can't everyone just be friends and be happy? Why do we have to fight? Why does everyone have to be so uptight? Why can't we just relax and take things from a broader perspective considering all the angles? We should just all take a chill pill. Just lay back enjoy life for what it is. It's probably the only thing where we have just one chance. Once it's done it's done. So let's just all be friends, stop making enemies. Please? ok. sweet. I want to help people live an easier life. Because I realize now that the life I live is so much more comfortable than at least half the world. Even if I do have 14-16 hour days and come home at like 9 or 10 twice a week. I want to get a Nobel Peace Prize. Yeahh that would be sick. I don't care about money or education or anything. They're just tools to achieve what I really want: to save lives and help people find better lives. What's more powerful than that?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So I was driving home from orchestra. Almost got ran over by a truck on the freeway if i didn't stop. Then I saw a person on Barton. Then he just disappeared. We made eye contact and he just disappeared. Freaking trippy.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Was epic fail for me.
Only if I didn't run that light my day would have been so much
more enjoyable. That whole incident ruined my mood for the whole
day. I love beach vespers but well whatever. Just gotta wait now
for that $500 ticket to come in the mail...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Live it to the fullest and love others
Inspire others to do good
Find what you want be it happiness, success, whatever
Enjoy it while you can for it is short
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Blah Blah Blah
Senior Coming Out. It was ok. Better than 09.
Weekend was boring. Didn't do anything. But
yesterday was pretty fun. Probably the most
fun I've had since I came back.
Meeting was pretty good today surprisingly.
Got a lot of things settled.
Red shirts.
Party. yeah whatever all that good stuff.
Beach vespers. I want it.
Picinc, not so much.
And PSAT coming up. yay.
My mood: pretty happy, and not too tired.
Weekend was boring. Didn't do anything. But
yesterday was pretty fun. Probably the most
fun I've had since I came back.
Meeting was pretty good today surprisingly.
Got a lot of things settled.
Red shirts.
Party. yeah whatever all that good stuff.
Beach vespers. I want it.
Picinc, not so much.
And PSAT coming up. yay.
My mood: pretty happy, and not too tired.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I'm bored...
Nothing to do. No homework. Just study. But studying isn't the most entertaining thing in the world, well I guess it depends on what one is studying. I'm not gonna go to Club Status. It sounds pretty cool but I think it'll be lame and I don't want to pay $5 just to see if it'll suck or not. Maybe if I had a couple ________ I would go but nah I'm past that lifestyle. No more for me. Um well I hope you guys all enjoy this long weekend. Office is already starting to stress me out. And Hannah don't worry about it. Everything will be fine just give it a little time and a little effort and God will do the rest. Can't believe I texted her for six hours yesterday. Ridiculous. I watched the Dark Knight last night too for like the billionth time. I could recite almost all the lines hahaha I'm so lame. Gonna go to Barnes and Noble today! I love that place.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Year so far
School so far has been ok I guess. It's good seeing familiar faces again. The weather is hot as always. Finally started driving yesterday. Classes are boring. Junior year has been easy so far. I think the hardest class is Spanish II, no joke. Maybe it's just the beginning of the year but I have more free time now than I did last year.. Well I guess more time to study...lame. I can't trust you anymore. I'm glad we're talking again. I wish we would talk more. We need to hang out sometime. Thank you. Sorry. Tuesday lunch is way too awkward. You're awesome.
Now I'm gonna try to go to church every week. I thought I had put my past behind me but now that I'm confronted with these choices again I'm not so sure. I don't think I trust myself. If I can't trust myself, can others trust me or am I so unstable that no one else can trust me? I don't even know who I am anymore. So for these reasons, I've decided to go to church instead of falling in the same hole. Hopefully I get some answers. If not, maybe this decision is the answer. Only time will tell.
Can't wait for beach vespers! :)
Now I'm gonna try to go to church every week. I thought I had put my past behind me but now that I'm confronted with these choices again I'm not so sure. I don't think I trust myself. If I can't trust myself, can others trust me or am I so unstable that no one else can trust me? I don't even know who I am anymore. So for these reasons, I've decided to go to church instead of falling in the same hole. Hopefully I get some answers. If not, maybe this decision is the answer. Only time will tell.
Can't wait for beach vespers! :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
First Day of Schoooool~
It was pretty good I guess. Good seeing some people again finally after like two months. I kind of wish I stayed so I could have hung out with some people. Classes are...ok. Bancarz is awesome..everyone else...well, they're nice people. I'm gonna die in Spanish II. The no English rule is ridiculous. Well I guess I can't even speak English properly hahaha. But I seriously sat there for 50 minutes not understanding 90% of what she said. I miss senor. But at least I have fun people in my class. Looking forward to tomorrow! First pro musica class!! :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
One Week Left
Wow this summer has gone incredibly fast! Maybe I was just having too much fun while I should have been studying... I really thought that I would have my insurance and would be able to drive myself within a few days of getting back because my dad had told me all it takes is a phone call. But you know, the way Asian parents are, if there is a way to save money and still end up with the same thing, then you do whatever it takes to save money. And I mean I'm not against it, insurance is hella expensive. So now I'm enrolled in a safe teen driving course and waiting for the DVD packets to arrive in the mail. The earliest possible time I can obtain my insurance: 2 weeks. Fantastic.
I just ordered some pizza and I'm waiting for it...haven't eaten since 11 o'clock. I just want school to start already. Because I seriously have nothing to do but study all day which is just awesome. But my cousin came over the last two days so I used that as an excuse not to study. I know, I'm brilliant. Jet lag sucks balls.
I just ordered some pizza and I'm waiting for it...haven't eaten since 11 o'clock. I just want school to start already. Because I seriously have nothing to do but study all day which is just awesome. But my cousin came over the last two days so I used that as an excuse not to study. I know, I'm brilliant. Jet lag sucks balls.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
May be painful, unberable, intolerable, agonizing, enlightening, depressing, demeaning, sad, uplifting, and probably countless other things that I can't name. But despite all that, I guess it's better than a life shrouded in lies. I found out many things this summer about myself, but mostly about my family. I found out how naive I had been and I found out how dirty the past is. How dirty my family tree is. But it was all good over a glass of martini and margarita with my cousin at a bar. She told me things that I would have never imagined. But now everything seems to make sense. But now that I know a little more about what had happened, I'm not sure what to think anymore, who is there to trust? What is trust? I guess the only thing I can cling on to is family and what trust I have built there. Life isn't perfect. Life is hard. But it's for those small moments of happiness, that we all struggle on. See you guys in a few days.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
1, 2, 3

Summer is slowly drawing to a close and we are all about to be set in the monotonous school cycle once again. Junior year is gonna be a pain in the ass and I realize that, but strangely, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the first day of school and Handshake. I think SA Handshake is one of my favorite events of the whole year. I don't know how many officer meetings there have been over summer but, obviously, I've missed all of them so far. Knowing our class though, I doubt that many people actually showed up to those meetings. I hope officers stuff doesn't start out too hot.
I really wish that I could have taken a nice two months off this summer but seeing that I am about to be a Junior, that was not an option. Maybe next summer if I work really hard this year. I've decided that all I would do this year is study. Study and study. Wake up, eat, school, homework, study, sleep. That will be my life cycle for the whole school year. I need at least 2300+ on SAT and 5 on all my AP and 800 on all the subject tests... I have a long road in front of me. I set my goal at UC San Diego, but I've been inspired to try even harder. The source of this inspiration wasn't a family member or an especially close friend but my writing and math teacher at my SAT Class place. I was talking to her about college and she said that I should aim much higher than UC San Diego because I have the talent and drive to get there. That meant more than anything my father ever told me. So now, I think I will aim higher. Just like Chandler says, "Aim for the moon, hit the coconut trees." The only problem is my GPA though.. Stupid freshmen bible. Totally ruined my GPA.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of his or her summer. And get ready for a totally awesome year. Seriously, junior year is gonna be bomb.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It was raining like crazy earlier this morning. I hate rain. I don't know why, I just can't stand rain. But besides that, my last week of SAT classes is approaching! I hope this week goes by blazing fast. And after that, two weeks of working at the hospital. Then one week of free time then, OMG, time to go home. My stay in Korea seems to have gone by just way too fast. And I guess it was enjoyable at times. But I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kind of miss California. Friends, my pillow and bed, In-N-Out, Chipotle, Boba Tea House, and my car. But why can't all that stuff be over here? I guess that would just be selfish. I really want to go do something tonight, maybe I'll ask my cousin when she gets back. I wish I made more friends though, but the kids at my SAT class place are kind of snobbish. They're all super rich and arrogant. Oh, one thing that's been bothering me. Michael Jackson's death. No one cared about him before he died, now everyone is going crazy over him. People say that they were his fans before his death but whatever. If you truly were his fan, then you would have advocated his music even while he was alive. Kind of sad, that people reach the height of their popularity post humously.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Hillary Duff announced to be in the new season of Gossip Girl
A familiar face is coming to Gossip Girl next season, as Hilary Duff joins the show for a multi-episode arc.
EW.com's Michael Ausiello says Duff will play Olivia Burke, a movie star who pulls a Natalie Portman/James Franco and "enrolls at NYU in search of a traditional college experience." She'll be the roommate to Vanessa
-taken from http://tv.ign.com/articles/100/1000403p1.html
EW.com's Michael Ausiello says Duff will play Olivia Burke, a movie star who pulls a Natalie Portman/James Franco and "enrolls at NYU in search of a traditional college experience." She'll be the roommate to Vanessa
-taken from http://tv.ign.com/articles/100/1000403p1.html
Thursday, July 2, 2009
No Homework!
No homework today! Well, I just did it during class so technically I did have homework, just not at home. My writing teacher said that she would buy our class dinner today. How cool is that? And we've all only known her for a few weeks! She's pretty tight. Only if she was hot too... Well Michelle I hope you have a safe flight and a safe and fun stay in Europe. Don't forget my rock from Paris. I actually wish I had homework right now because I'm so bored. Danielle loves monkeys and poo. I do too. You're a ho, is that so? ok bye.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Upon reading Nick's blog I was hit with the stone hard truth. No matter how much I tried to tell myself that I liked Transformers, it wasn't working. The movie just sucked. It had absolutely no point. No story to back up all the action. Now I'm not saying the action wasn't bad, that was probably the only good thing about the movie - and Megan Fox. But I mean, bringing up the Fallen only confused the mush of a plot from the first film. I mean if Megatron was the Fallen's top disciple/apprentice and if the Fallen was so powerful, then why the hell didn't he revive Megatron in the first film? And why didn't he kill Optimus Prime and all the other Autobots together with Megatron? Wouldn't that have been better? And Megan Fox...hmm...She is really hot. But I think they overdid it. She passed off more as a pornstar-esque character than Sam's girlfriend. Her beauty was unbelievable in the first film but it was just overdone this time around. Her acting is another topic. IT WAS CRAP. She looked bored out of her mind the whole time, like she would rather go film a porno or something. Especially with the way she was dressed and posed. She made and broke the film. The only decent acting in that movie, as much as I hate to say it, was from Shia. I don't like him too much but he did a good job passing off as a college kid. But Michael Bay worked his magic once again, seemingly the only thing he can do, and worked out amazing, unbelievable special effects. I was amazed. Sound was also very nice. But I walked out of the theatre thinking to myself, "What was the point of this?", "Why did I watch this?", "WTF, Megan Fox looked liked a guy half the time, yet I was still attracted to her hotness?", "Am I gay?", "WTF HAPPENED?", "WHY THE HELL WAS IT SO LONG?", "I'm hungry", "Optimus Prime is the most BADASS ROBOT EVER", "I want my money back"
+Good Special Effects
-Everything else about the film.
Done with complaining about how crappy the movie was. But I'm glad to see some improvement in my SAT scores. My score started out at a lowly 1760. But now it went up
to the second highest score at my tutor place. I'm not gonna say what it is. Here's a really good website, nytimes.com it helps. A lot. Seriously. God, I love Korea. I feel so good here. Like I've finally come home. I love it.
+Good Special Effects
-Everything else about the film.
Done with complaining about how crappy the movie was. But I'm glad to see some improvement in my SAT scores. My score started out at a lowly 1760. But now it went up
to the second highest score at my tutor place. I'm not gonna say what it is. Here's a really good website, nytimes.com it helps. A lot. Seriously. God, I love Korea. I feel so good here. Like I've finally come home. I love it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Was bomb. Hung out with Dain and Jane. Transformers 2. Good food. Had really good burgers. Fun stuff. Came home. Tired. Had some cleansing drinks (water guys geez) *ahem* Went on AIM. Slept.The End. That was fun.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My Mind
Is going crazy! It darts all over the place. I remember things from countless years ago. So many different feelings flood my brain I don't know which ones are true and which ones to discard. I feel like I'm being bombarded with useless information from the media and people. I'm so confused I don't even know what or how I feel right now. Tired, happy, pissed, grumpy, crabby, baffled, smart, stupid, sagacious, nerdy, excited. My mind is a big blob right now. I'm having some crazy dreams too. And everywhere I look I see freaking SAT reading passage questions and grammatical errors and mathematical equations and math problems! I need more sleep. I've been running on like 2-4 hours of sleep for the past two weeks. Not good. I'll just drink all it away this weekend. Soju night! YEAH!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My feelings of this summer are that of ambivalence and ambiguity. I want SAT classes and my hospital work experience to be over quickly, but if that were to happen then I would be left with only a few weeks to enjoy Korea. I guess the only solution is to enjoy everything I do to the full extent and go crazy on the weekends.
Can't wait for Saturday for two reasons: end of SAT for the week and wakeboarding :) I love how you get those little bright points in your life that makes everything, all the hardships and problems you've been through worth it all. I love life. I just hope I scored at least over 2000 on my practice SAT otherwise, I'm gonna have another depressing night.
Yesterday was fun. Coffee Bean, Red Mango, watched Terminator Salvation, went to internet cafe? I have no idea what to call it in English. Had sushi, the conveyor belt sushi. Jane and I paid for half of the meal which came out to about $100. Karaoke was fun too. God I need more days like yesterday.
I have serious ADD. I get all jittery randomly. I was shaking like crazy yesterday. I was grinding my teeth. It was weird. I've been reading the NY Times lately, good stuff. I want to go to a rave.
Ok, have a good week everyone. Don't study too hard guys, its summer. Find every excuse to play while maintaining excellence.
Can't wait for Saturday for two reasons: end of SAT for the week and wakeboarding :) I love how you get those little bright points in your life that makes everything, all the hardships and problems you've been through worth it all. I love life. I just hope I scored at least over 2000 on my practice SAT otherwise, I'm gonna have another depressing night.
Yesterday was fun. Coffee Bean, Red Mango, watched Terminator Salvation, went to internet cafe? I have no idea what to call it in English. Had sushi, the conveyor belt sushi. Jane and I paid for half of the meal which came out to about $100. Karaoke was fun too. God I need more days like yesterday.
I have serious ADD. I get all jittery randomly. I was shaking like crazy yesterday. I was grinding my teeth. It was weird. I've been reading the NY Times lately, good stuff. I want to go to a rave.
Ok, have a good week everyone. Don't study too hard guys, its summer. Find every excuse to play while maintaining excellence.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
This week has been surprisingly tiring. Going to hang out with Jane today. The weekends is what I look forward to. I need to make today last as long as possible, because starting Monday, another week of boring SAT crap. I've been scoring really low on my essays for the writing sections and that's been seriously pissing me off. I have no clue how to improve and my teacher won't tell me how. What a great teacher huh? Fucking bitch. But whatever I need to go play today, relieve some stress. Talk about some junk, the usual stuff. Hopefully I don't spend too much money. Oh and Bank of America you guys are the cheapest, dirtiest, lowest white trash I know, ok. Bye.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Summer School
Yay...for SAT. Its not too bad actually. Its really boring and long. Screw this man I want to play. But I have to do what I have to do. And this is one of those things. But after this I'll be able to play for a few days then I have to start going to this hospital to follow this doctor. 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Fun stuff. I'm actually looking forward to it. I was told I can actually go in the surgery rooms and stuff. Awesome. Man I want to go to a rave right now. mmm...ok.
Friday, June 12, 2009
My goodness it is good to be back home at last. I love coming here because it feels like coming home. It's been pretty relaxing. Talking and hanging out with my cousins. Eating some good food. Shopping. Lotte World yesterday was also a lot of fun. No jet lag. This is awesome. I'm gonna enjoy this to the last minute. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Looks like I have some free time. So Saturday morning, woke up at 6:00 A.M. drove out to Yucaipa High School to take the last exam of this year. SAT II Subject Tests Biology E/M. I took M cause I thought it would look better than E on my college app. But I heard E was really really really really really really easy from my cousin who took E. It also has a better grading curve than M, but I don't like all that ecology stuff in E. I think I scored at least 770+. I felt pretty good after the test. Then I went home and enjoyed some free time where I really had nothing to study for. I hadn't felt that way for let's see, four years? I loved it and I just played video games all day. Then Class Night! Whooo! It was pretty cool. There were some people that looked freaking amazing in '09. I'm pretty sure you all know who I'm talking about. I think it went by too fast. It felt like I just walked in, walked out. But its ok. It was better than last year. Paulyna and Justin singing was too cute, slideshow was freakin boring. Viva La Vida at the end was hot. Jason Hallock is a beast. I thought they were playing the recording until the screen went up. Wow. I'm sorry Hannah and Vivien that I'm such a disappointment. Ok. Yesterday I woke up at around 12:00 or 1:00 I can't remember. Then I wasted my day again until Youth Symphony concert. yay...then I went home because I couldn't go to PJ's grad thing. Then I slept. Yay. Fun weekend. Probably the most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time.
Friday, June 5, 2009
End of the Year
This year went by so fast. Almost too fast. It was a good, fun, drama-filled, weird, awkward, confusing, stressful, awesome, relaxing, happy, sad, exciting year. This year played a huge role in my life and was probably one of the most influential years of my life so far. So many things happened in such a short time. It's ironic that I'm saying how fast things went by when my blog is entitled "We're Taking This Way Too Slow." But this year indeed was amazingly quick. But I loved it hated it. 09 was cool. I'm gonna miss them. 10 I can't believe that you guys will be seniors next year. I can't look at you guys as seniors. I think 09 were like the perfect seniors. To me 10 will still be sophomores and 11 will always be the annoying freshmen that everyone hated with no class spirit.
The party yesterday was really boring but a few people made it interesting enough for me not to try and walk home. Got closer with a few people I guess, not much but, whatever, every little bit counts. I still need to sign my bro Nick's yearbook. He's the best friend I've ever had. I love him and I'm glad that I got to know him and I've been blessed to have him in my life. He brings joy and laughter to my otherwise gloomy day. It's also been awesome to be able to work with him on so many projects. Hopefully he sticks around next year but, if he really wants to leave for HMA, I'm not gonna stop him.
And wow Hannah...dude you are one awesome friend. You're like my sister. I can talk to you about anything anytime and you'll listen and understand. I love you and I'm glad to have gotten to know you. Your a really good person and my hero. You always try and help me when I'm down and probably know more about me then I do myself. I think I've told you everything that I've ever thought. Thanks for being such a huge support and a really good friend. I hope I was the same to you.
Jane Kwon. Your awesome. Your like my sister too. We get along so well it's not even funny. You understand my feelings and I understand you. Church buddy :). Hanging out with you in Korea is gonna be bomb. You've been a really good friend to me too. I love you and we're gonna have fun this summer man. Let's go Big Bang/Shinee hunting!
And I'll just end it here with two more people. I would write more but then it'd be too long and no one would read it. I'm not sure if anyone would read this far either but whatever. Vivien Rodriguez. Wow what a year man. I'm sorry for being a douche to you. I doubt you're reading this but I'm truly sorry. And I just wish it could be like it was before. We were so close. I just miss your friendship and personality. You mean a lot to me and I was sad to see it end up like this. I love you and your a really great person that's really caring and kind. I looked up to you and your personality. How you tried to stay positive. You kept me going in the earlier part of this year. I promise I'll get you something from Korea. 약속. 사랑해. I just wish it could be like it was before.
Danielle, I'm glad that we're talking again, kinda. Even though your really mean to me hahah. Pro-musica is gonna be bomb next year man. I hope we can get closer next year.
So that's my final word for now. I don't know when I'll be able to blog again so here's an extra long post. Have a good summer everyone, God bless. The beginning of the end and the end of the beginning. We are now JUNIORS! 2011! Peace it
The party yesterday was really boring but a few people made it interesting enough for me not to try and walk home. Got closer with a few people I guess, not much but, whatever, every little bit counts. I still need to sign my bro Nick's yearbook. He's the best friend I've ever had. I love him and I'm glad that I got to know him and I've been blessed to have him in my life. He brings joy and laughter to my otherwise gloomy day. It's also been awesome to be able to work with him on so many projects. Hopefully he sticks around next year but, if he really wants to leave for HMA, I'm not gonna stop him.
And wow Hannah...dude you are one awesome friend. You're like my sister. I can talk to you about anything anytime and you'll listen and understand. I love you and I'm glad to have gotten to know you. Your a really good person and my hero. You always try and help me when I'm down and probably know more about me then I do myself. I think I've told you everything that I've ever thought. Thanks for being such a huge support and a really good friend. I hope I was the same to you.
Jane Kwon. Your awesome. Your like my sister too. We get along so well it's not even funny. You understand my feelings and I understand you. Church buddy :). Hanging out with you in Korea is gonna be bomb. You've been a really good friend to me too. I love you and we're gonna have fun this summer man. Let's go Big Bang/Shinee hunting!
And I'll just end it here with two more people. I would write more but then it'd be too long and no one would read it. I'm not sure if anyone would read this far either but whatever. Vivien Rodriguez. Wow what a year man. I'm sorry for being a douche to you. I doubt you're reading this but I'm truly sorry. And I just wish it could be like it was before. We were so close. I just miss your friendship and personality. You mean a lot to me and I was sad to see it end up like this. I love you and your a really great person that's really caring and kind. I looked up to you and your personality. How you tried to stay positive. You kept me going in the earlier part of this year. I promise I'll get you something from Korea. 약속. 사랑해. I just wish it could be like it was before.
Danielle, I'm glad that we're talking again, kinda. Even though your really mean to me hahah. Pro-musica is gonna be bomb next year man. I hope we can get closer next year.
So that's my final word for now. I don't know when I'll be able to blog again so here's an extra long post. Have a good summer everyone, God bless. The beginning of the end and the end of the beginning. We are now JUNIORS! 2011! Peace it
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The bad:
SAT II this Saturday
Youth Symphony concert Sunday
Too many temptations
I'm confused
Religion final
Lit final
The Good:
Made pro musica :)
One more day of school!
Five more days until I leave
Class party tomorrow
All A's
Raped math and bio final
Violin sounds unusually good
I'm not broke anymore
Going shopping Saturday
I'm happy
SAT II this Saturday
Youth Symphony concert Sunday
Too many temptations
I'm confused
Religion final
Lit final
The Good:
Made pro musica :)
One more day of school!
Five more days until I leave
Class party tomorrow
All A's
Raped math and bio final
Violin sounds unusually good
I'm not broke anymore
Going shopping Saturday
I'm happy
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Yay just got home :)
I love having PE 4th period.
Have to go back later for my
Pro Musica audition. Hopefully
I do well.
Have to go back later for my
Pro Musica audition. Hopefully
I do well.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Kojima-san? Are you ok?

E3 2009: Metal Gear Solid: Rising Revealed
Kojima took Microsoft's stage and gave us the news we wanted to hear.
by Jim Reilly
June 1, 2009 - Kojima took the stage at Microsoft's press conference and dropped a major announcement:
Remember all those teasers we saw over the past month? It wasn't the new PSP game. It was, in fact, a completely new series in the Metal Gear franchise.
Titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising, the game appears to mainly focus on the character Raiden, as there were no shots of Solid Snake at all in the extremely vague announcement teaser shown.
While this news comes at the Microsoft presser, no announcements of exclusivity were revealed, so for now, expect this to be multiplatform, or a timed-exclusive at the very least.
UPDATE: Looks like there might be confirmation that MGS: Rising could well be coming to the PlayStation 3 and PC in addition to Xbox 360. Konami's list of games on Games Press (a private PR service for the press) now shows the title coming to all three platforms. Konami unfortunately will not make official comment at this time, so we will have to wait for all the rumors to be proven true or false until tomorrow afternoon when Sony has its conference (11AM PST).
There was quite a lot of confusion on whether this game would only be on Xbox 360. During the conference, Microsoft specifically stated that everything shown after Final Fantasy XIII would be exclusive to 360, thus the original implication. A few hours later, G4 was able to quickly chat with Microsoft's John Schappert, where he said, "You know, we didn't say that it was exclusive..." (We apologize for the confusion if you've been following the many, many updates on this ongoing saga.) Konami put out a press release listing only an Xbox 360 version, but the word "exclusive" has yet to be mentioned in any MGS: Rising statement from Microsoft or Konami, and the comment at the Microsoft E3 Conference could have been a mistake.
We realize that we're talking more about the controversy behind the unveiling rather than the game itself, but with only a short teaser of the game so far showing the same field and Raiden pose, we're stuck for new things to say. Instead, check out the most recent news leads for Metal Gear Solid Rising & Peace Walker and be sure to check back in tomorrow for more info.
WOW. Why would you do this? Just leave MGS as it is.
Please. Leave the poor bastard ninja kid Raiden alone. He doesn't need his own franchise.
Taken from IGN.
I did not write this article nor do I claim ownership of it.
Three more Days!
Bio LE
Spanish Project
Pro-musica tryout??? Apparently the results are supposed to be posted tomorrow...
Violin Lesson
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Maybe sleep
Bio LE
Spanish Project
Pro-musica tryout??? Apparently the results are supposed to be posted tomorrow...
Violin Lesson
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
Maybe sleep
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I want sleep
Haven't slept for the last two days besides my nap on Friday.
Hopefully tonight is different.
Hopefully tonight is different.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I guess it was fun.
Only because Edward was there.
I don't know what I would do without him.
He's a lifesaver.
Only because Edward was there.
I don't know what I would do without him.
He's a lifesaver.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Ok, here we go...it's winded down to the last week of school. Summer's just around the corner. I am so excited, but I feel so tired right now. It's almost time for my nap. And Chandler, whatever may be going on, you are in my prayers :) Have a good weekend everyone.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Been almost a week
So according to Michelle I don't blog anymore..haha..well time to prove you wrong!
hahah but yes it has been a while. And I miss clogging up all your updates with my random nonsensical stories. So here we go again. Today's my one month anniversary. Michelle, Matthew, Hannah, and some other people know I think. Tomorrow's Boba fundraiser. And who organized it? Me. I just pray to God that its successful. And I hope He listens to an unworthy servant. So everyone buy a cup! Its going to be 150 cups of boba milk tea, 25 honeydew milk tea, and 25 taro or whatever, I have no idea what it is. And school's almost out. And only lets see, one, two, half, three and a half, four and a half, five and six days of school! or seven school days for normal people. I'm currently studying for SAT II Biology E/M Subject Test and its quite easy actually. Almost too easy it scares me. I. Love. Hard. Style. K. I think that's enough random ranting for the day. But hm..I'm behind like four days. Well maybe later this week I'll post a huge wall of text.
hahah but yes it has been a while. And I miss clogging up all your updates with my random nonsensical stories. So here we go again. Today's my one month anniversary. Michelle, Matthew, Hannah, and some other people know I think. Tomorrow's Boba fundraiser. And who organized it? Me. I just pray to God that its successful. And I hope He listens to an unworthy servant. So everyone buy a cup! Its going to be 150 cups of boba milk tea, 25 honeydew milk tea, and 25 taro or whatever, I have no idea what it is. And school's almost out. And only lets see, one, two, half, three and a half, four and a half, five and six days of school! or seven school days for normal people. I'm currently studying for SAT II Biology E/M Subject Test and its quite easy actually. Almost too easy it scares me. I. Love. Hard. Style. K. I think that's enough random ranting for the day. But hm..I'm behind like four days. Well maybe later this week I'll post a huge wall of text.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What to do.
Life is a mystery and a puzzle.
When you think you have something figured out
Another situation pops in your head that totally
Thwarts your previous ideals and thoughts.
I want to find the meaning of life.
Travel to the deep depths of the human mind
Life is an adventure
Life is a thorn
Life is a dark room with faint rays of light creeping in.
You keep running after those faint glimmers of light
Hoping, just hoping to find escape from the darkness closing in
We stumble many times but we pick our selves up
But our struggles don't go unrewarded
It is for those moments that we continue to run through
The unknown depths of life
And once you think your satisfied you find out
That its not enough. There's something missing
A hole, a gap, an abyss.
Once I find that, I think I can define life.
Then, I'm gonna win a prize or something and become known
forever as the greatest philosopher of all time. Chilling with
Socrates and Aristotle and all of them.
Life is a mystery and a puzzle.
When you think you have something figured out
Another situation pops in your head that totally
Thwarts your previous ideals and thoughts.
I want to find the meaning of life.
Travel to the deep depths of the human mind
Life is an adventure
Life is a thorn
Life is a dark room with faint rays of light creeping in.
You keep running after those faint glimmers of light
Hoping, just hoping to find escape from the darkness closing in
We stumble many times but we pick our selves up
But our struggles don't go unrewarded
It is for those moments that we continue to run through
The unknown depths of life
And once you think your satisfied you find out
That its not enough. There's something missing
A hole, a gap, an abyss.
Once I find that, I think I can define life.
Then, I'm gonna win a prize or something and become known
forever as the greatest philosopher of all time. Chilling with
Socrates and Aristotle and all of them.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I had a total WTF moment today. I got home and checked my mail box. I saw that the College Board had sent me something. I assumed that it was regarding the registration for the SAT II and it included my test information and stuff. But to my surprise I found out that my registration form did not go through because I lacked a letter from my cleric that stated I could not take tests on Saturdays because of religious beliefs. How retarded is that? And Mr. Ballou I think was supposed to write a letter or something. So I had to register online at a school in Yucaipa and pay 23 extra dollars. I'm gonna go talk to Mr. Ballou tomorrow. I hope he says that its his fault so I can start yelling at him and get mad at him. I hate him.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Off to orchestra!
Tuesday night, time for orchestra! Gotta go dress up because we're gonna take a group picture tonight! Oh my how exciting.. And after I come back around 10:20 I'll have to study for Sandiford's test over the Merchant of Venice tomorrow! I'm excited for that. Check out my playlist, I'll add more to it when I find some more time, but these are some good stuff. Matt, I know your gonna like it. Tatanka is awesome. I'm gonna learn to hardstyle over summer. Peace.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Um. Yea. My. Weekend.
Friday: Beach vespers was pretty fun. I was really tired at the end. The surrey thing was pretty cool I guess but I didn't really want to ride in it. I ate four hot dogs and felt like a fatty but whatever. We got fourth place in class games but its ok. I'm so used to being last place that its not that big of a shock. All of last year and most of this year. Hm...well next year for sure, we're gonna break out of that pattern. And I just lost five dollars.
Saturday: Went to church for the first time in weeks. I actually took notes on the sermon. It was an interesting experience hahaha. Then my brother wanted to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards so we went. Then I had some Korean B.B.Q. in Garden Grove. It was actually really good. Probably the best Korean B.B.Q. I had here. Then I went home and studied, then I played pokemon til 2:30. Yeah, I know, I'm cool.
Sunday: Woke up at 11:00 went to a bone marrow drive donor registration drive. Helped out until about 4:30. Came home and practiced my violin for like three hours. I think I'm going deaf in my left ear now. Its hard to hear things sometimes. I get this constant ringing sound in it too. Hm...anyways. Here's the most nostalgic video in the world, if you played pokemon:
Saturday: Went to church for the first time in weeks. I actually took notes on the sermon. It was an interesting experience hahaha. Then my brother wanted to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards so we went. Then I had some Korean B.B.Q. in Garden Grove. It was actually really good. Probably the best Korean B.B.Q. I had here. Then I went home and studied, then I played pokemon til 2:30. Yeah, I know, I'm cool.
Sunday: Woke up at 11:00 went to a bone marrow drive donor registration drive. Helped out until about 4:30. Came home and practiced my violin for like three hours. I think I'm going deaf in my left ear now. Its hard to hear things sometimes. I get this constant ringing sound in it too. Hm...anyways. Here's the most nostalgic video in the world, if you played pokemon:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Day I Met The Joker
I love Chonny. He's frickin hilarious. It's funny ass people like him that makes
the internet so great.
the internet so great.
Modern Warfare 2
FAMAS and the Steyr AUG are supposed to be in the game.
I've been waiting for the FAMAS to be announced as one of the guns.
Its gonna rape. It'll be the new whore gun. Yeah, come on IW I believe in you.
And more shottys! Not that anyone uses them but still.
They're fun to rape scrubs with and mess around.
Just keep it the same with new guns and maps. That's good enough.
And maybe a bigger skill gap. Yeah..that would be perfect.
Game of the Year guys. Strong work. Come on IW
I've been waiting for the FAMAS to be announced as one of the guns.
Its gonna rape. It'll be the new whore gun. Yeah, come on IW I believe in you.
And more shottys! Not that anyone uses them but still.
They're fun to rape scrubs with and mess around.
Just keep it the same with new guns and maps. That's good enough.
And maybe a bigger skill gap. Yeah..that would be perfect.
Game of the Year guys. Strong work. Come on IW
샤이니 - 아미고
I'm about to make five bucks.
Today was a good day :)
I got elected as the president of the junior class of 2011!
And congratulations to all others who were elected:
VP - Elizabeth
RVP - Michelle
Social Vice - Lydia
Spirit Leader - Tim
Treasurer - Vivian
PR Secretary - Vivien
Parliamentarian - Bryanna
Secretary - Marsha
I think that's it. Congratulations all!
Today was a good day :)
I got elected as the president of the junior class of 2011!
And congratulations to all others who were elected:
VP - Elizabeth
RVP - Michelle
Social Vice - Lydia
Spirit Leader - Tim
Treasurer - Vivian
PR Secretary - Vivien
Parliamentarian - Bryanna
Secretary - Marsha
I think that's it. Congratulations all!
I can't sleep. I'm dead tired but I just can't fall asleep...
I think I'm gonna study until I start getting drowsy then listen
to some music and fly away to dreamland.
I think I'm gonna study until I start getting drowsy then listen
to some music and fly away to dreamland.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I Love Orchestra
Just got back from Youth Symphony from U of R. A great experience it was. It enriches one's life with vibrant music and cacophony and terrible oboe players and faggote (bassoon in German or French I think) players that might as well not play. But I love the music we're playing right now. Violin Concerto in E Minor Opus. 64 by Felix Mendelssohn is awesome and Dylan has grown so much. He used to be a little scrub but now he's better than me. And fugly little Laura and her debilitating smile every night standing up to give the orchestra an A. Ooohh...too much fun. But I'm really proud of Dylan and a little jealous. He's three or four years younger than me and probably twice as good as I am. I should practice more. My stand partner's hilarious. But I miss my stand partner from i think it was four years ago maybe five, Michael. That guy was so funny. If it weren't for him and Sam, I probably would have quit orchestra back then. But now they've both left, and even Arthur has left. sigh...now only Jonathan and I are left of the original group. I miss Jimmy too. Damn, I miss the old days. Those were the good days. And Mrs. Palmer, wow I've known her for like almost 9 years now I think. How time flies.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Good Day

So I finally got my car after a month of waiting. Pretty excited right now. But I need to get insurance and stuff so I probably won't be able to drive it for another week or so...but its ok. Its gonna be fun guys :) Oh and I made preliminary voting! Wow double goodness. Its too good to be true. So I'll probably have a really crappy day this week in exchange for this really good day. Vote for me for PRESIDENT!!! :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Heritage Room.
I have no idea why we have to go there. It's not like the history of the Adventist church is anything special. I mean does it make sense to study the history of an organization that is based upon a hypothetical existence and being? No, I don't think so. Doing research on an organization whose foundations is based on something not of this world is the same as making things up from one's head. But since this is a so-called "Christian School" I guess it is necessary to do so. I mean it would make sense to research the history if we could prove what we are trying to research actually is based upon a concrete real thing not something abstract as the idea of "God". You can't research what you can't observe, it's just not possible. Therefore, we should just put the history of the Adventist church behind ourselves and continue with our lives which is time better spent. I mean its not like anyone cares, right? If you can, please tell me one person who goes to church for God and only God. Yeah, exactly. God is real, I just don't see the reasons necessary to conduct research on a part of His history. He's always been and always will be. Trying to figure God out is a waste of time. We just need to have faith. The only source we need is the Bible, not some crap made up by a guy that was totally wrong *ahem*William Miller*ahem*. Yeah this whole Adventist Church history is a load of crap. Maybe we should study what the course is called, History of Religion, and last time I checked Christianity/Adventism wasn't the only religion in the world. This class should have more of an anthropological approach. It should show how different civilizations and culture groups have come up with ways to explain the supernatural while still maintaining a non-ethnocentric view. And among those we could touch upon the Christian church. Many colleges offer classes like this offered through their anthropology department. I have yet to learn the history of religion. I seriously think they should rename the classes to "Bible I, II, III, IV or Adventism I, II, III, IV" or actually start teaching what the course name implies. Sigh...Loma Linda Academy disappoints yet again...no AP, limited honors courses, running out of teachers and funds and students, drug problems, crappy food, limited course selections, limited periods in which the courses are taught, it might as well be a really crappy public school almost. I should have just gone to RHS. But the people that I know here make all those negative aspects of the school irrelevant. So even if I cut my chances at a decent school and my future, I think I'll stay here. I like it here. The people that I have met, the friendships I have made, its all worth it. I'm gonna do my math homework. Hahahahah oh...I am so screwed for the test... wow I got carried away with all this writing..I'm just stressed out. I like this blog. Personal output. Hahahaha takes my mind off things. Fighting my addictions..
Found This
Wow brings back memories of the old days. I can't wait!
Spring 2010! and Fall 2009 for Japan. Maybe I'll import.
Spring 2010! and Fall 2009 for Japan. Maybe I'll import.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Who Wants To Be A Mill-a-naire!

Slumdog is a bomb movie. Still didn't get to finish it...
Got to about the same part when I had to stop watching it the first
time in senor's room...I love it though.
Thanks for having me over Lydia! It was fun.
Have to study all day tomorrow! Fun, fun, fun.
Hopefully I can still go to grad night.
Good night everyone!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Fun, You Have No Missing Assignments
Today was exhausting.
I am totally screwed for math but its ok.
Bone marrow donor registration drive was pretty successful. And who organized it?
Car wash was pretty fun. I love boba. Thanks Kevin.
We got fourth place but that was expected. Freshmen got second! I was just like wtf.
They weren't that good. But whatever. The judges were being nice.
The documentary in chapel and Mr. Khoury's talk almost made me cry.
I felt like a little girl but it touched me deep. I'm going to miss Mr. Khoury next year.
School just won't be the same without his class. I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, but
really tired. Come on guys less then 3 weeks of school left!
Excited for Korea (and grad night!)
I am totally screwed for math but its ok.
Bone marrow donor registration drive was pretty successful. And who organized it?
Car wash was pretty fun. I love boba. Thanks Kevin.
We got fourth place but that was expected. Freshmen got second! I was just like wtf.
They weren't that good. But whatever. The judges were being nice.
The documentary in chapel and Mr. Khoury's talk almost made me cry.
I felt like a little girl but it touched me deep. I'm going to miss Mr. Khoury next year.
School just won't be the same without his class. I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, but
really tired. Come on guys less then 3 weeks of school left!
Excited for Korea (and grad night!)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yes its finally over. This time of triviality, depression, and hardwork.
But as much I can't believe myself saying this, I think I'm gonna miss it all.
It was fun I guess...but yesterday was just...omg....
But I think it was a good experience.
But as much I can't believe myself saying this, I think I'm gonna miss it all.
It was fun I guess...but yesterday was just...omg....
But I think it was a good experience.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Night Before
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Story Of A Lonely Guy
A little scared, apprehensive, nervous, excited, douchy, pissy, annoyed, uncreative...a whole mix of feelings. I just want to get it over with. Drill today was...um...I don't know. Whatever. Orchestra was just fantastic, I couldn't even play today, I felt retarded. It's ok. After Thursday, everything will be just fine. I might get my car this weekend according to the chick, so cross your fingers! :)
I never found out why you left him
But this answer begs that question,
Too blind to see tomorrow,
Too broke to beg or borrow
Young and stupid, left wide open
Hearts are wasted
Lives are broken
Everytime I look for you the sun goes down
And I stumble when this whole thing runs aground
I left another message, you are never around
But everytime I look for you the sun goes down once more
Will the last one out please shut the door
Everytime I Look For You - Blink 182
I never found out why you left him
But this answer begs that question,
Too blind to see tomorrow,
Too broke to beg or borrow
Young and stupid, left wide open
Hearts are wasted
Lives are broken
Everytime I look for you the sun goes down
And I stumble when this whole thing runs aground
I left another message, you are never around
But everytime I look for you the sun goes down once more
Will the last one out please shut the door
Everytime I Look For You - Blink 182
Monday, May 4, 2009
Satisfying yet depressing...

So, today, was a good day, for the most part. Drill practice was fantastic, no seriously. We got a lot of things accomplished. Worst part of my day: Lunch. I had to tell four people of our team something that I wholeheartedly wanted to tell them, but could not bring myself to say it. I told them the news, and well...I felt really bad. So if any of you people are reading this (I highly doubt it) I'm really sorry, so sorry. But done with the bad news. Happy birthday Michelle! I hope you enjoyed the myriad of balloons and also the very special gift from Matthew Alfaro...ahhh funny stuff. Lydia I hope you have a good time at the Laker game. And freakin Danielle, Jane, and Alexa I am so jealous of you guys you have no idea...get to go see 샤이니, 빅뱅, 소녀시대...sooo jealous. You guys should sneak me in. Vote for me for PRESIDENT and Briggs for VICE PRESIDENT AND Michelle for Religious Vice President(Wow, why am I so nice? I should receive an award or something.)!!!! 2011!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Sabbath
Yes it's Sabbath! My favorite day. Today I'm just going to rest and have a deep talk with Jesus. I mean, that's what its for right? Ok.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Rhythm of Life, one must learn to ride one's own furies.

So stressed out right now.
Everything is falling apart
So deperessed right now.
This week started out good but then why does all of this have to happen?
It wouldn't have been too bad individually but it just all collapsed, all at once.
I worked so hard for the whole year.
Gave up my time for friends, parties, my vacation time, screwed up relationships with my father and brother.
Organizing a bone marrow donor drive.
Going to mission trips every other weekend.
Attending donor drives.
Solving insanely hard math problems.
Studying for AP Biology.
Studying for SAT II Subject Tests.
Gave up studying time for drill.
Writing application essays and filling out numerous applications.
Practicing for concerts and recitals and competitions.
I did so much and now it just feels as if though my efforts were all in vain.
And for what?
I gave up so much yet gained so little.
I've never tasted such failure as this.
All I wanted to do was make him proud.
But not once, not once, did he ever look at me with appreciation of my work and efforts.
That pissed me off even more. Only made me want to work harder.
But I just grew tired of it all.
Tomorrow will be better. I'll make it better.
I need You.
Where are You?
Help me.
So here we are
Buried under our lives
In a world, oh so cold
Frozen in a moment, just close your eyes
Life was all a dream
So put, me to sleep
I'll follow the blood
Back to you, my God
Bring this puzzle back,
Back to life
Life Was All a Dream - Before Their Eyes
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I hate drill
oh yeah
I can't stand it. I don't even know why I joined. But I have to admit, I enjoyed it in the beginning a little. Those days when it was just me, Chandler, Greg, Michelle, Elizabeth and Lydia. Then the girls would go to basketball practice and it would just be me Chandler and Greg trying to make up moves. We made up several but ended up not using any. Staying until 6:30 everyday. But that was when it wasn't stressful, annoying, pissy, depressing, or scrubby. That was when it was actually fun. But Greg and Liz left. And it's been pretty much just us four since then I guess. I ditched maybe a week and a half of practice or maybe a few days more. But I think the only person to go to every single practice is Michelle. Huge respect for her right now. And now that I have two scrubs in my row for marching its not gonna be good. They need to sharpen up, learn the moves, and keep the count. Oh yay, now only seven more days until the competition. We have a plan but we're not sure if it will work. God willing, help us Jesus. Amen
We're taking this way too slow,
Take me away from here.
Fate fell short this time
Your smile fades in the summer
Place your hands in mine
I'll leave when i wanna...
Feeling This - Blink 182
oh yeah
I can't stand it. I don't even know why I joined. But I have to admit, I enjoyed it in the beginning a little. Those days when it was just me, Chandler, Greg, Michelle, Elizabeth and Lydia. Then the girls would go to basketball practice and it would just be me Chandler and Greg trying to make up moves. We made up several but ended up not using any. Staying until 6:30 everyday. But that was when it wasn't stressful, annoying, pissy, depressing, or scrubby. That was when it was actually fun. But Greg and Liz left. And it's been pretty much just us four since then I guess. I ditched maybe a week and a half of practice or maybe a few days more. But I think the only person to go to every single practice is Michelle. Huge respect for her right now. And now that I have two scrubs in my row for marching its not gonna be good. They need to sharpen up, learn the moves, and keep the count. Oh yay, now only seven more days until the competition. We have a plan but we're not sure if it will work. God willing, help us Jesus. Amen
We're taking this way too slow,
Take me away from here.
Fate fell short this time
Your smile fades in the summer
Place your hands in mine
I'll leave when i wanna...
Feeling This - Blink 182
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm gonna eat you up
Monday, April 27, 2009

My weekend was boring. My dad got pissed again. Hung out with friends Saturday night. I wasn't cool enough for Casey's party but its alright. Made some new friends Saturday. Gave a mini lightshow hahaha, not really, only had four lights but whatever. I am so gonna buy a full set of lights. I'm gonna get some that change colors and leave trails in the air and flash and its gonna be bomb. But I need like $60. Donations are welcome :) Bowling was kinda lame. I was really disappointed.
Oh, never try just half of an orange because you just can't. It just doesn't work like that. You have to eat the whole thing. It's just too tempting. I love oranges. I like strawberries too. And peaches. I love fruits! yay I'm a fruit!! I'm GAY!! YEA!!! No...I'm just kidding. I'm not gay. but I like fruits and vegetables. Gotta stay healthy you know. I just found out how unhealthy ramen is. 250 calories per serving, 880 mg of sodium and servings per package: 2. And I had like two last night at like midnight. Not good. I need my fruits and vegetables.
I almost unlocked Red Tiger for my M16 on CoD4. And Blue Tiger for my P90. I hate the P90. Its a nub gun. The only guns you need is M16 and MP5. Only if there was an MP5 attachment for the M16...hm...now that...would be rape. M16 already is rape enough though. I already have Red Tiger for MP5. I just started to try and get complete the Expert challenges for the other guns. I used the MP5 until like Level 43 I think. I freakin love that gun! I'll jizz on your face with it. My best with MP5 on Dom 57-11 on Crash. Yea there's better people out there but I'm quite proud of it. Well there's my weekend. Videogames, Bowling, Church, Studying, Violin and Homework. Hm...a typical Asian weekend.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Feeling This
Yay Thursday, only one more day until the weekend. Hopefully the weather is nice tomorrow so that car wash won't be cancelled. Our class really needs money and if we postpone this we probably will never have the car wash...
Drill today was another epic fail. We got two scrubs that we need to teach and they need to sharpen up big time. I need to practice columns... yeah..we're pretty much screwed in the butt.
I haven't been this scared
In a long time
And I'm so unprepared
So here's your Valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but your so beautiful to me
Going Away To College - Blink 182
We're taking this way too slow.
Drill today was another epic fail. We got two scrubs that we need to teach and they need to sharpen up big time. I need to practice columns... yeah..we're pretty much screwed in the butt.
I haven't been this scared
In a long time
And I'm so unprepared
So here's your Valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but your so beautiful to me
Going Away To College - Blink 182
We're taking this way too slow.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Duuuude Friday was bomb. I was a little disappointed but that disappointment turned into relief later in the day. Camp out was amazing. But not as great as last year. I have to say though, I loved my tent. Chris and I introduced Matt to a new world of delicious tastiness that is called 라면 (ramen). He fell in love with it and we each ate like two bowls. Matt ate three...got reacquainted with some old friends and became closer with some current ones. Then came Saturday. Breakfast was just...I don't want to talk about it haha...lets just say we almost caught the tent on fire and didn't realize it for about a minute. I was a loner most of Saturday. Matt was with his girl, Chris was sleeping and I was just tired and sitting on the beach floating from group to group doing absolutely nothing. Played football and frisbee for a while but I was really tired. Sunday we just went home and I was extremely tired on the bus ride back and took a quick nap but it was extremely weird, I felt a sudden burst of energy and was freaking going crazy. No I didn't do drugs or anything. I just was really happy to get all this stuff off my chest and talk it out. It's like taking a really big crap when you've been holding it in all day, you feel surprisingly good afterward (or at least I do). I went home and well..slept.
Monday, Tuesday and Today: School....drill....violin...sleep....repeat. I love Pastor J. I hate drill. I love violin. I love sleep. So 3 out of 4 thats not a bad day. We're now short two people and no D.I. for drill. We're pretty much screwed. With Chandler and Lydia gone on tour I doubt we'll get anythig done. God help us. Oh and there's this nasty rumor about people doing drugs (me included in that group, I'm not gonna name the rest) that is really pissing me off. It's really really really annoying. Anyways I'm not gonna care about it too much, can't let that stuff get to my head and mess me up in school and stuff. But if it gets out of control then I guess I'll have to try and do something..
So I've decided not to take the AP exam for biology. I am so behind and there isn't enough time for me to review all 1500 some pages of that effing book. Think of our bio class with ten times more detail and critical thinking and analysis and application of concepts and conducting your own labs and hardcore essays. Oh and I hate my father.
Overall I enjoyed campout. Got a load off my chest (Thanks Matt). I found out some stuff that I never thought would be true. My worst nightmares realized. My own denials and lies turned all against me. And I learned stuff about myself and I think I matured a little. Lord Jesus help me.
Monday, Tuesday and Today: School....drill....violin...sleep....repeat. I love Pastor J. I hate drill. I love violin. I love sleep. So 3 out of 4 thats not a bad day. We're now short two people and no D.I. for drill. We're pretty much screwed. With Chandler and Lydia gone on tour I doubt we'll get anythig done. God help us. Oh and there's this nasty rumor about people doing drugs (me included in that group, I'm not gonna name the rest) that is really pissing me off. It's really really really annoying. Anyways I'm not gonna care about it too much, can't let that stuff get to my head and mess me up in school and stuff. But if it gets out of control then I guess I'll have to try and do something..
So I've decided not to take the AP exam for biology. I am so behind and there isn't enough time for me to review all 1500 some pages of that effing book. Think of our bio class with ten times more detail and critical thinking and analysis and application of concepts and conducting your own labs and hardcore essays. Oh and I hate my father.
Overall I enjoyed campout. Got a load off my chest (Thanks Matt). I found out some stuff that I never thought would be true. My worst nightmares realized. My own denials and lies turned all against me. And I learned stuff about myself and I think I matured a little. Lord Jesus help me.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Night Before Campout

Camp out is TOMORROW. I need to pack all my crap tonight. And finish my AP Bio textbook. I don't think I can do the latter...its freaking killing me. Anyways camp out is gonna be super bomb. A weekend to just chill with friends at the beach, I mean, what more could you ask for? I'm getting ready to roll for campout like seriously, I am so excited but tired. I have huge bags under my eyes I look like a panda right now. So tenting with Matt and Chris is gonna be tight too. Only if this one kid came but he wants to go to Boba for their anniversary. What can I say?
Drill sucks. I can't get my retarded double jointed arm and hand to look good. and I swing my whole arm. And shopping on Sunday after camp out for clothes for drill. YEA!! No joke I'm actually looking forward to that. Probably just be a little tired. As long as they don't make me practice during camp out its cool. Oh yeah you're really REALLY smart. No really, you are. And I've made a resolution. I'm gonna be more serious during drill.
이 지난주부터 빅뱅 하고 소녀시대를 듯기 시작 햇다...
소녀시대 사랑해요~
빅뱅 is my heroooo
탑 하고 승리 형은 너무 멋잇어요
승리 형 우리 친구 먹자...나이 가 이년 차이 밖애만 아돼는대...
누나들 하고 형님들, 화이팅!
My First Blog...
So...I got bored and didn't feel like studying like i should be and decided to make a blog. Now I can say all the crap I want on the World Wide Web for everyone to see! yay! K, so yea. I'll try to write everyday. Let's play.
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