Haven't slept for the last two days besides my nap on Friday.
Hopefully tonight is different.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I guess it was fun.
Only because Edward was there.
I don't know what I would do without him.
He's a lifesaver.
Only because Edward was there.
I don't know what I would do without him.
He's a lifesaver.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Ok, here we go...it's winded down to the last week of school. Summer's just around the corner. I am so excited, but I feel so tired right now. It's almost time for my nap. And Chandler, whatever may be going on, you are in my prayers :) Have a good weekend everyone.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Been almost a week
So according to Michelle I don't blog anymore..haha..well time to prove you wrong!
hahah but yes it has been a while. And I miss clogging up all your updates with my random nonsensical stories. So here we go again. Today's my one month anniversary. Michelle, Matthew, Hannah, and some other people know I think. Tomorrow's Boba fundraiser. And who organized it? Me. I just pray to God that its successful. And I hope He listens to an unworthy servant. So everyone buy a cup! Its going to be 150 cups of boba milk tea, 25 honeydew milk tea, and 25 taro or whatever, I have no idea what it is. And school's almost out. And only lets see, one, two, half, three and a half, four and a half, five and six days of school! or seven school days for normal people. I'm currently studying for SAT II Biology E/M Subject Test and its quite easy actually. Almost too easy it scares me. I. Love. Hard. Style. K. I think that's enough random ranting for the day. But hm..I'm behind like four days. Well maybe later this week I'll post a huge wall of text.
hahah but yes it has been a while. And I miss clogging up all your updates with my random nonsensical stories. So here we go again. Today's my one month anniversary. Michelle, Matthew, Hannah, and some other people know I think. Tomorrow's Boba fundraiser. And who organized it? Me. I just pray to God that its successful. And I hope He listens to an unworthy servant. So everyone buy a cup! Its going to be 150 cups of boba milk tea, 25 honeydew milk tea, and 25 taro or whatever, I have no idea what it is. And school's almost out. And only lets see, one, two, half, three and a half, four and a half, five and six days of school! or seven school days for normal people. I'm currently studying for SAT II Biology E/M Subject Test and its quite easy actually. Almost too easy it scares me. I. Love. Hard. Style. K. I think that's enough random ranting for the day. But hm..I'm behind like four days. Well maybe later this week I'll post a huge wall of text.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What to do.
Life is a mystery and a puzzle.
When you think you have something figured out
Another situation pops in your head that totally
Thwarts your previous ideals and thoughts.
I want to find the meaning of life.
Travel to the deep depths of the human mind
Life is an adventure
Life is a thorn
Life is a dark room with faint rays of light creeping in.
You keep running after those faint glimmers of light
Hoping, just hoping to find escape from the darkness closing in
We stumble many times but we pick our selves up
But our struggles don't go unrewarded
It is for those moments that we continue to run through
The unknown depths of life
And once you think your satisfied you find out
That its not enough. There's something missing
A hole, a gap, an abyss.
Once I find that, I think I can define life.
Then, I'm gonna win a prize or something and become known
forever as the greatest philosopher of all time. Chilling with
Socrates and Aristotle and all of them.
Life is a mystery and a puzzle.
When you think you have something figured out
Another situation pops in your head that totally
Thwarts your previous ideals and thoughts.
I want to find the meaning of life.
Travel to the deep depths of the human mind
Life is an adventure
Life is a thorn
Life is a dark room with faint rays of light creeping in.
You keep running after those faint glimmers of light
Hoping, just hoping to find escape from the darkness closing in
We stumble many times but we pick our selves up
But our struggles don't go unrewarded
It is for those moments that we continue to run through
The unknown depths of life
And once you think your satisfied you find out
That its not enough. There's something missing
A hole, a gap, an abyss.
Once I find that, I think I can define life.
Then, I'm gonna win a prize or something and become known
forever as the greatest philosopher of all time. Chilling with
Socrates and Aristotle and all of them.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I had a total WTF moment today. I got home and checked my mail box. I saw that the College Board had sent me something. I assumed that it was regarding the registration for the SAT II and it included my test information and stuff. But to my surprise I found out that my registration form did not go through because I lacked a letter from my cleric that stated I could not take tests on Saturdays because of religious beliefs. How retarded is that? And Mr. Ballou I think was supposed to write a letter or something. So I had to register online at a school in Yucaipa and pay 23 extra dollars. I'm gonna go talk to Mr. Ballou tomorrow. I hope he says that its his fault so I can start yelling at him and get mad at him. I hate him.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Off to orchestra!
Tuesday night, time for orchestra! Gotta go dress up because we're gonna take a group picture tonight! Oh my how exciting.. And after I come back around 10:20 I'll have to study for Sandiford's test over the Merchant of Venice tomorrow! I'm excited for that. Check out my playlist, I'll add more to it when I find some more time, but these are some good stuff. Matt, I know your gonna like it. Tatanka is awesome. I'm gonna learn to hardstyle over summer. Peace.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Um. Yea. My. Weekend.
Friday: Beach vespers was pretty fun. I was really tired at the end. The surrey thing was pretty cool I guess but I didn't really want to ride in it. I ate four hot dogs and felt like a fatty but whatever. We got fourth place in class games but its ok. I'm so used to being last place that its not that big of a shock. All of last year and most of this year. Hm...well next year for sure, we're gonna break out of that pattern. And I just lost five dollars.
Saturday: Went to church for the first time in weeks. I actually took notes on the sermon. It was an interesting experience hahaha. Then my brother wanted to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards so we went. Then I had some Korean B.B.Q. in Garden Grove. It was actually really good. Probably the best Korean B.B.Q. I had here. Then I went home and studied, then I played pokemon til 2:30. Yeah, I know, I'm cool.
Sunday: Woke up at 11:00 went to a bone marrow drive donor registration drive. Helped out until about 4:30. Came home and practiced my violin for like three hours. I think I'm going deaf in my left ear now. Its hard to hear things sometimes. I get this constant ringing sound in it too. Hm...anyways. Here's the most nostalgic video in the world, if you played pokemon:
Saturday: Went to church for the first time in weeks. I actually took notes on the sermon. It was an interesting experience hahaha. Then my brother wanted to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards so we went. Then I had some Korean B.B.Q. in Garden Grove. It was actually really good. Probably the best Korean B.B.Q. I had here. Then I went home and studied, then I played pokemon til 2:30. Yeah, I know, I'm cool.
Sunday: Woke up at 11:00 went to a bone marrow drive donor registration drive. Helped out until about 4:30. Came home and practiced my violin for like three hours. I think I'm going deaf in my left ear now. Its hard to hear things sometimes. I get this constant ringing sound in it too. Hm...anyways. Here's the most nostalgic video in the world, if you played pokemon:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Day I Met The Joker
I love Chonny. He's frickin hilarious. It's funny ass people like him that makes
the internet so great.
the internet so great.
Modern Warfare 2
FAMAS and the Steyr AUG are supposed to be in the game.
I've been waiting for the FAMAS to be announced as one of the guns.
Its gonna rape. It'll be the new whore gun. Yeah, come on IW I believe in you.
And more shottys! Not that anyone uses them but still.
They're fun to rape scrubs with and mess around.
Just keep it the same with new guns and maps. That's good enough.
And maybe a bigger skill gap. Yeah..that would be perfect.
Game of the Year guys. Strong work. Come on IW
I've been waiting for the FAMAS to be announced as one of the guns.
Its gonna rape. It'll be the new whore gun. Yeah, come on IW I believe in you.
And more shottys! Not that anyone uses them but still.
They're fun to rape scrubs with and mess around.
Just keep it the same with new guns and maps. That's good enough.
And maybe a bigger skill gap. Yeah..that would be perfect.
Game of the Year guys. Strong work. Come on IW
샤이니 - 아미고
I'm about to make five bucks.
Today was a good day :)
I got elected as the president of the junior class of 2011!
And congratulations to all others who were elected:
VP - Elizabeth
RVP - Michelle
Social Vice - Lydia
Spirit Leader - Tim
Treasurer - Vivian
PR Secretary - Vivien
Parliamentarian - Bryanna
Secretary - Marsha
I think that's it. Congratulations all!
Today was a good day :)
I got elected as the president of the junior class of 2011!
And congratulations to all others who were elected:
VP - Elizabeth
RVP - Michelle
Social Vice - Lydia
Spirit Leader - Tim
Treasurer - Vivian
PR Secretary - Vivien
Parliamentarian - Bryanna
Secretary - Marsha
I think that's it. Congratulations all!
I can't sleep. I'm dead tired but I just can't fall asleep...
I think I'm gonna study until I start getting drowsy then listen
to some music and fly away to dreamland.
I think I'm gonna study until I start getting drowsy then listen
to some music and fly away to dreamland.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I Love Orchestra
Just got back from Youth Symphony from U of R. A great experience it was. It enriches one's life with vibrant music and cacophony and terrible oboe players and faggote (bassoon in German or French I think) players that might as well not play. But I love the music we're playing right now. Violin Concerto in E Minor Opus. 64 by Felix Mendelssohn is awesome and Dylan has grown so much. He used to be a little scrub but now he's better than me. And fugly little Laura and her debilitating smile every night standing up to give the orchestra an A. Ooohh...too much fun. But I'm really proud of Dylan and a little jealous. He's three or four years younger than me and probably twice as good as I am. I should practice more. My stand partner's hilarious. But I miss my stand partner from i think it was four years ago maybe five, Michael. That guy was so funny. If it weren't for him and Sam, I probably would have quit orchestra back then. But now they've both left, and even Arthur has left. sigh...now only Jonathan and I are left of the original group. I miss Jimmy too. Damn, I miss the old days. Those were the good days. And Mrs. Palmer, wow I've known her for like almost 9 years now I think. How time flies.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Good Day

So I finally got my car after a month of waiting. Pretty excited right now. But I need to get insurance and stuff so I probably won't be able to drive it for another week or so...but its ok. Its gonna be fun guys :) Oh and I made preliminary voting! Wow double goodness. Its too good to be true. So I'll probably have a really crappy day this week in exchange for this really good day. Vote for me for PRESIDENT!!! :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Heritage Room.
I have no idea why we have to go there. It's not like the history of the Adventist church is anything special. I mean does it make sense to study the history of an organization that is based upon a hypothetical existence and being? No, I don't think so. Doing research on an organization whose foundations is based on something not of this world is the same as making things up from one's head. But since this is a so-called "Christian School" I guess it is necessary to do so. I mean it would make sense to research the history if we could prove what we are trying to research actually is based upon a concrete real thing not something abstract as the idea of "God". You can't research what you can't observe, it's just not possible. Therefore, we should just put the history of the Adventist church behind ourselves and continue with our lives which is time better spent. I mean its not like anyone cares, right? If you can, please tell me one person who goes to church for God and only God. Yeah, exactly. God is real, I just don't see the reasons necessary to conduct research on a part of His history. He's always been and always will be. Trying to figure God out is a waste of time. We just need to have faith. The only source we need is the Bible, not some crap made up by a guy that was totally wrong *ahem*William Miller*ahem*. Yeah this whole Adventist Church history is a load of crap. Maybe we should study what the course is called, History of Religion, and last time I checked Christianity/Adventism wasn't the only religion in the world. This class should have more of an anthropological approach. It should show how different civilizations and culture groups have come up with ways to explain the supernatural while still maintaining a non-ethnocentric view. And among those we could touch upon the Christian church. Many colleges offer classes like this offered through their anthropology department. I have yet to learn the history of religion. I seriously think they should rename the classes to "Bible I, II, III, IV or Adventism I, II, III, IV" or actually start teaching what the course name implies. Sigh...Loma Linda Academy disappoints yet again...no AP, limited honors courses, running out of teachers and funds and students, drug problems, crappy food, limited course selections, limited periods in which the courses are taught, it might as well be a really crappy public school almost. I should have just gone to RHS. But the people that I know here make all those negative aspects of the school irrelevant. So even if I cut my chances at a decent school and my future, I think I'll stay here. I like it here. The people that I have met, the friendships I have made, its all worth it. I'm gonna do my math homework. Hahahahah oh...I am so screwed for the test... wow I got carried away with all this writing..I'm just stressed out. I like this blog. Personal output. Hahahaha takes my mind off things. Fighting my addictions..
Found This
Wow brings back memories of the old days. I can't wait!
Spring 2010! and Fall 2009 for Japan. Maybe I'll import.
Spring 2010! and Fall 2009 for Japan. Maybe I'll import.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Who Wants To Be A Mill-a-naire!

Slumdog is a bomb movie. Still didn't get to finish it...
Got to about the same part when I had to stop watching it the first
time in senor's room...I love it though.
Thanks for having me over Lydia! It was fun.
Have to study all day tomorrow! Fun, fun, fun.
Hopefully I can still go to grad night.
Good night everyone!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Fun, You Have No Missing Assignments
Today was exhausting.
I am totally screwed for math but its ok.
Bone marrow donor registration drive was pretty successful. And who organized it?
Car wash was pretty fun. I love boba. Thanks Kevin.
We got fourth place but that was expected. Freshmen got second! I was just like wtf.
They weren't that good. But whatever. The judges were being nice.
The documentary in chapel and Mr. Khoury's talk almost made me cry.
I felt like a little girl but it touched me deep. I'm going to miss Mr. Khoury next year.
School just won't be the same without his class. I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, but
really tired. Come on guys less then 3 weeks of school left!
Excited for Korea (and grad night!)
I am totally screwed for math but its ok.
Bone marrow donor registration drive was pretty successful. And who organized it?
Car wash was pretty fun. I love boba. Thanks Kevin.
We got fourth place but that was expected. Freshmen got second! I was just like wtf.
They weren't that good. But whatever. The judges were being nice.
The documentary in chapel and Mr. Khoury's talk almost made me cry.
I felt like a little girl but it touched me deep. I'm going to miss Mr. Khoury next year.
School just won't be the same without his class. I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, but
really tired. Come on guys less then 3 weeks of school left!
Excited for Korea (and grad night!)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yes its finally over. This time of triviality, depression, and hardwork.
But as much I can't believe myself saying this, I think I'm gonna miss it all.
It was fun I guess...but yesterday was just...omg....
But I think it was a good experience.
But as much I can't believe myself saying this, I think I'm gonna miss it all.
It was fun I guess...but yesterday was just...omg....
But I think it was a good experience.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Night Before
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Story Of A Lonely Guy
A little scared, apprehensive, nervous, excited, douchy, pissy, annoyed, uncreative...a whole mix of feelings. I just want to get it over with. Drill today was...um...I don't know. Whatever. Orchestra was just fantastic, I couldn't even play today, I felt retarded. It's ok. After Thursday, everything will be just fine. I might get my car this weekend according to the chick, so cross your fingers! :)
I never found out why you left him
But this answer begs that question,
Too blind to see tomorrow,
Too broke to beg or borrow
Young and stupid, left wide open
Hearts are wasted
Lives are broken
Everytime I look for you the sun goes down
And I stumble when this whole thing runs aground
I left another message, you are never around
But everytime I look for you the sun goes down once more
Will the last one out please shut the door
Everytime I Look For You - Blink 182
I never found out why you left him
But this answer begs that question,
Too blind to see tomorrow,
Too broke to beg or borrow
Young and stupid, left wide open
Hearts are wasted
Lives are broken
Everytime I look for you the sun goes down
And I stumble when this whole thing runs aground
I left another message, you are never around
But everytime I look for you the sun goes down once more
Will the last one out please shut the door
Everytime I Look For You - Blink 182
Monday, May 4, 2009
Satisfying yet depressing...

So, today, was a good day, for the most part. Drill practice was fantastic, no seriously. We got a lot of things accomplished. Worst part of my day: Lunch. I had to tell four people of our team something that I wholeheartedly wanted to tell them, but could not bring myself to say it. I told them the news, and well...I felt really bad. So if any of you people are reading this (I highly doubt it) I'm really sorry, so sorry. But done with the bad news. Happy birthday Michelle! I hope you enjoyed the myriad of balloons and also the very special gift from Matthew Alfaro...ahhh funny stuff. Lydia I hope you have a good time at the Laker game. And freakin Danielle, Jane, and Alexa I am so jealous of you guys you have no idea...get to go see 샤이니, 빅뱅, 소녀시대...sooo jealous. You guys should sneak me in. Vote for me for PRESIDENT and Briggs for VICE PRESIDENT AND Michelle for Religious Vice President(Wow, why am I so nice? I should receive an award or something.)!!!! 2011!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Sabbath
Yes it's Sabbath! My favorite day. Today I'm just going to rest and have a deep talk with Jesus. I mean, that's what its for right? Ok.
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