Summer is slowly drawing to a close and we are all about to be set in the monotonous school cycle once again. Junior year is gonna be a pain in the ass and I realize that, but strangely, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the first day of school and Handshake. I think SA Handshake is one of my favorite events of the whole year. I don't know how many officer meetings there have been over summer but, obviously, I've missed all of them so far. Knowing our class though, I doubt that many people actually showed up to those meetings. I hope officers stuff doesn't start out too hot.
I really wish that I could have taken a nice two months off this summer but seeing that I am about to be a Junior, that was not an option. Maybe next summer if I work really hard this year. I've decided that all I would do this year is study. Study and study. Wake up, eat, school, homework, study, sleep. That will be my life cycle for the whole school year. I need at least 2300+ on SAT and 5 on all my AP and 800 on all the subject tests... I have a long road in front of me. I set my goal at UC San Diego, but I've been inspired to try even harder. The source of this inspiration wasn't a family member or an especially close friend but my writing and math teacher at my SAT Class place. I was talking to her about college and she said that I should aim much higher than UC San Diego because I have the talent and drive to get there. That meant more than anything my father ever told me. So now, I think I will aim higher. Just like Chandler says, "Aim for the moon, hit the coconut trees." The only problem is my GPA though.. Stupid freshmen bible. Totally ruined my GPA.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of his or her summer. And get ready for a totally awesome year. Seriously, junior year is gonna be bomb.