Thursday, August 27, 2009

Too Hot

It's way too hot.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of Schoooool~

It was pretty good I guess. Good seeing some people again finally after like two months. I kind of wish I stayed so I could have hung out with some people. Classes are...ok. Bancarz is awesome..everyone else...well, they're nice people. I'm gonna die in Spanish II. The no English rule is ridiculous. Well I guess I can't even speak English properly hahaha. But I seriously sat there for 50 minutes not understanding 90% of what she said. I miss senor. But at least I have fun people in my class. Looking forward to tomorrow! First pro musica class!! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Week Left

Wow this summer has gone incredibly fast! Maybe I was just having too much fun while I should have been studying... I really thought that I would have my insurance and would be able to drive myself within a few days of getting back because my dad had told me all it takes is a phone call. But you know, the way Asian parents are, if there is a way to save money and still end up with the same thing, then you do whatever it takes to save money. And I mean I'm not against it, insurance is hella expensive. So now I'm enrolled in a safe teen driving course and waiting for the DVD packets to arrive in the mail. The earliest possible time I can obtain my insurance: 2 weeks. Fantastic.
I just ordered some pizza and I'm waiting for it...haven't eaten since 11 o'clock. I just want school to start already. Because I seriously have nothing to do but study all day which is just awesome. But my cousin came over the last two days so I used that as an excuse not to study. I know, I'm brilliant. Jet lag sucks balls.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


May be painful, unberable, intolerable, agonizing, enlightening, depressing, demeaning, sad, uplifting, and probably countless other things that I can't name. But despite all that, I guess it's better than a life shrouded in lies. I found out many things this summer about myself, but mostly about my family. I found out how naive I had been and I found out how dirty the past is. How dirty my family tree is. But it was all good over a glass of martini and margarita with my cousin at a bar. She told me things that I would have never imagined. But now everything seems to make sense. But now that I know a little more about what had happened, I'm not sure what to think anymore, who is there to trust? What is trust? I guess the only thing I can cling on to is family and what trust I have built there. Life isn't perfect. Life is hard. But it's for those small moments of happiness, that we all struggle on. See you guys in a few days.