Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who Wants To Be A Mill-a-naire!

Slumdog is a bomb movie. Still didn't get to finish it...
Got to about the same part when I had to stop watching it the first
time in senor's room...I love it though.
Thanks for having me over Lydia! It was fun.

Have to study all day tomorrow! Fun, fun, fun.
Hopefully I can still go to grad night.
Good night everyone!


  1. dude slumdog IS bombbbb.
    wtf? you guys watched it in spanish? why?

  2. Ohh hahhaa no.
    It was this one day when I didnt have
    to work so I just chilled in Mr. Uribe's room
    and he had slumdog just sitting on his printer
    so I asked him if we could watch it hahah.
