Monday, September 28, 2009


This school year is going by so slow. Last year's was just blazed by but this year is so sloww.. We're taking this way too slow. So take me away from here. Why can't everyone just be friends and be happy? Why do we have to fight? Why does everyone have to be so uptight? Why can't we just relax and take things from a broader perspective considering all the angles? We should just all take a chill pill. Just lay back enjoy life for what it is. It's probably the only thing where we have just one chance. Once it's done it's done. So let's just all be friends, stop making enemies. Please? ok. sweet. I want to help people live an easier life. Because I realize now that the life I live is so much more comfortable than at least half the world. Even if I do have 14-16 hour days and come home at like 9 or 10 twice a week. I want to get a Nobel Peace Prize. Yeahh that would be sick. I don't care about money or education or anything. They're just tools to achieve what I really want: to save lives and help people find better lives. What's more powerful than that?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I was driving home from orchestra. Almost got ran over by a truck on the freeway if i didn't stop. Then I saw a person on Barton. Then he just disappeared. We made eye contact and he just disappeared. Freaking trippy.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Was epic fail for me.
Only if I didn't run that light my day would have been so much
more enjoyable. That whole incident ruined my mood for the whole
day. I love beach vespers but well whatever. Just gotta wait now
for that $500 ticket to come in the mail...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Live it to the fullest and love others
Inspire others to do good
Find what you want be it happiness, success, whatever
Enjoy it while you can for it is short

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Put me out of my misery.
This is torture.
I want my freedom.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

Senior Coming Out. It was ok. Better than 09.
Weekend was boring. Didn't do anything. But
yesterday was pretty fun. Probably the most
fun I've had since I came back.
Meeting was pretty good today surprisingly.
Got a lot of things settled.
Red shirts.
Party. yeah whatever all that good stuff.
Beach vespers. I want it.
Picinc, not so much.
And PSAT coming up. yay.
My mood: pretty happy, and not too tired.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm bored...

Nothing to do. No homework. Just study. But studying isn't the most entertaining thing in the world, well I guess it depends on what one is studying. I'm not gonna go to Club Status. It sounds pretty cool but I think it'll be lame and I don't want to pay $5 just to see if it'll suck or not. Maybe if I had a couple ________ I would go but nah I'm past that lifestyle. No more for me. Um well I hope you guys all enjoy this long weekend. Office is already starting to stress me out. And Hannah don't worry about it. Everything will be fine just give it a little time and a little effort and God will do the rest. Can't believe I texted her for six hours yesterday. Ridiculous. I watched the Dark Knight last night too for like the billionth time. I could recite almost all the lines hahaha I'm so lame. Gonna go to Barnes and Noble today! I love that place.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Year so far

School so far has been ok I guess. It's good seeing familiar faces again. The weather is hot as always. Finally started driving yesterday. Classes are boring. Junior year has been easy so far. I think the hardest class is Spanish II, no joke. Maybe it's just the beginning of the year but I have more free time now than I did last year.. Well I guess more time to study...lame. I can't trust you anymore. I'm glad we're talking again. I wish we would talk more. We need to hang out sometime. Thank you. Sorry. Tuesday lunch is way too awkward. You're awesome.

Now I'm gonna try to go to church every week. I thought I had put my past behind me but now that I'm confronted with these choices again I'm not so sure. I don't think I trust myself. If I can't trust myself, can others trust me or am I so unstable that no one else can trust me? I don't even know who I am anymore. So for these reasons, I've decided to go to church instead of falling in the same hole. Hopefully I get some answers. If not, maybe this decision is the answer. Only time will tell.

Can't wait for beach vespers! :)