Thursday, October 8, 2009


Was pretty third on Shuffle, Whellbarrow, Three-legged and second on tug-of-war, egg toss, and pyramid. Pretty good. The sophomores were really good. Gotta hand it to Pastor Jay hahah. Um came back to school. Chilled with Danielle for a bit. Went to work. Watched Jr. High lose to RAA. I can't remember the last time I saw a game that embarrassing and disappointing.

So confused right now. Seriously don't know what to do. My dreams are so weird. I wish I had never had this one particular dream that seems to be playing out my life right now. It's kind of scary how it seems to be falling exactly how the dream went. Maybe I have some kind of prophetic powers. hahha that would be coool. But anyways. I feel so lost right now. I don't know what I want to do with my life anymore. I thought I was so set and ready to work hard for my goal. But looking at this year so far, I've failed to do that. I keep telling myself tomorrow but that plan just isn't working out. I gotta man up.

I also need to drive more carefully. I realized yesterday how reckless my driving is and how many people's lives I put in danger. I need to go back to the way I drove before. I'm just too relaxed and chill. K. Bye guys.