Man I'm kind of sad I missed banquet yesterday. All I heard today was dude banquet was pretty fun this year, or you should have come to banquet Jon! or dude everyone went cept for you! Yeah I regret it and I usually don't regret doing things because I don't really care but this time I feel like I made a pretty big mistake. hah should have listened to you guys, ahem. Well at least Michelle got to rub it in today. "You know it's gonna be like that one party where you can't go and everyone else is talking about how good it was the next day." Hahah karma. Karma Karma Karma you guys probably don't know what I'm talking about. Well I'm glad you guys all had a great time despite the food. I'll definitely go next year, and I'll try with the rest of the Junior class officers to plan a good Jr./Sr. Banquet in April.
Took the SAT yesterday. I think I did pretty good. I had a good feeling about it. It's really cold today! and rainy. The two things I hate most but somehow today I didn't mind the rain. I actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace from the crazy ups and downs in the temperature.
I have straight's pissing me off.
Well...yeah. Looking forward to the next two weeks! I have a feeling it's gonna be bomb. Peace.
Hahaha seee, now you see what I mean! It's okay. Jr/Sr banquet will be bomb :)