Sunday, November 7, 2010

You change, you change

1. I miss Dain Lee lol. Enough said.

2. You changed.

3. I'm pretty sure I did too.

Football party was pretty fun. I'm gonna miss hanging with some of those guys. I won't see them as much. 4th String safety after nobody. That was like the funniest thing I've ever heard in a while. Along with Dan the Man getting punched in the stomach and dislocating his leg while falling. lol.

1. Tim
2. Chris
3. Nobody
4. Matt

ohh man.

Glad that I got to meet and know Josh and Doug. Two awesome people.

Even though football took up a lot of time and I couldn't wait until the season was over during like the last three weeks, it was a lot of fun at the same time. Especially Fresno tournament. Now I have no more exciting trips to look forward to for the rest of the year. Just one long road to graduation. The next three months are gonna suck crap. But afterwards, I'm gonna be the happiest person ever. I'd be happy to even just go to UCR. Threshold right by, all my friends will still be there. I'll know the area super well, and its an ok school. So it's not that bad. I'm not too worried about my future. Whatever happens, I know that it was meant to happen, and that God will lead me through it.

I'm getting pretty freaking good at starcraft 2.. Gold players are too easy. Bump me up to Plat! The only time I have trouble is against protoss.. ughh I probably go like 50-50 against toss. But zerg and terran is more like 70-30 on a good day. I've also been playing against a lot of toss and terran lately. Not much zerg..

I really want to take a week off school. My body is telling me its that time of year again.. Thanksgiving break! get to catch up on my sleep. I hate 0 period. I hate it so much. Especially the fact that its college english sucks. I hate waking up tired every morning, and repeating this cycle of being tired every day, every week. I never feel rested.

Well at least after thanksgiving break, stuff speeds up a lot. Two weeks after is christmas break. And after that is end of semester, then yeah, it's already the new year. February is a short month, spring break, and then bam, jr/sr banquet, drill comp, whole bunch of stuff going on and then graduation. :) I've been waiting for that moment my whole high school career. Please come quicker. I am so ready to leave.

In a way I feel as my life is like my gas tank. It's never full, and always close to being empty. I just get so happy even when it goes half way. And I try all that I can to save the gas but it never works and it just lasts for the same amount of time. But I think that it lasted longer. I'm always so close to empty. Putting in just a couple bucks every 30 or so miles to get home, school, lesson, threshold, mall, wherever. It kinda feels like that right now.. Ohhh would I like a full tank of gas. Haven't had one since.. May, when we got back from camp out last year.

I really liked the start of Junior year. It was so much fun. Actually junior year was a lot of fun up until the last three months of school when I was so burnt out and tired of trying. I think I'm still in that mind set and I need to change that.

My eye is twitching now.. must mean I'm tired. Should go to sleep. Lies. lies lies. So tired of lies.

Calculus homework sits undone on my bed. Screaming at me to finish it. My ears have grown deaf to those cries and my thoughts immune.

There is a book I really want to read though. I will. In a bit. I think I'll sleep around 2 today. Besides My body isn't used to the time change and I'll still feel like an extra hour.

I want to hit up either bishop, jtree, or black mountain during thanksgiving weeek.. gonna be freaking dope.


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